Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Last Bit Of Summer Fun

Our friends arrived on Thursday and we've been having so much fun!  Friends who are family are the best and with these two we just pick right up where we left off the last time!

They are retired and bought a trailer and have spent this summer on their 'friends and family' tour!  Jane says she feels like a roadie for Springsteen or something!  They've been all along the east coast this summer and are having a blast!

We get one more day with them, and then we will say 'see you later,' because when we go to visit Tim's mom this autumn, we'll see them too!  They live in the same town!

We've gone out as a family - we celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary the evening they arrived - and we've gone out just as grown ups.

 Meals have been easy, and one night we had a campfire and roasted hot dogs, brats and sausage and had chips and melon for the meal.

A real treat was getting to go on our local friends' boat yesterday on the beautiful Susquehanna River.

The girls had plans, so the party was made up of Tim and I, Kyle and my parents, Rick and Jane, and the owners of the boat, Mike and Jennifer and their son, Daniel, who is Kyle's buddy.

 I was so happy that Tim got a good day to relax!

 Mom and I

 Rick and Jane

 Jennifer and Daniel

 Mike - the captain

My mom, dad and Kyle.

The boys got to swim in the river and fish.

They had a blast!

None of us wanted the day to end, but end it did.  We came home, and grilled and had another campfire last evening.

I'll be back tomorrow.  I've been trying to keep up with you all, but I'm sure I've missed some of it!

In my world it is now autumn!  


sue said...

Tell our neighbors we miss them!!

Summer said...

A campfire sounds like fun! Seems like summer has been good for you ♥

Vee said...

What a nice boat and a great way to spend the day relaxing. So glad that you have had good friends visit...there's something very special about that.

Rebecca said...

What a wonderful day that must have been - out on the boat, etc...

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

This family post caught my eye! It was so nice to meet your family and see a day well spent enjoying one another and the gorgeous out of doors!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...