Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 16, 2016

What You'll Find If You Come To My Door

If you are brave enough to fight through the jungle that is the front cottage garden right now, you'll find a delightful autumn wreath to welcome you to Creekside Cottage.

 The bow needs to be fluffed a bit!  

If you come to the kitchen door at the side of the house - which is where family, friends, and delivery people come - then you'll find this sweet welcome sign.

I love having seasonal decor inside my house and outside the house!  Our temperatures are cooling but it's still pretty warm.  As soon as it is cooler, I'll be getting pumpkins and having Tim haul a hay bale from the barn.  I also like corn stalks for my lamppost and mailbox.

Do you like to decorate seasonally?  Do you decorate inside and out?  Let's talk in the comments!

On another note - co-op went very well yesterday.  The kids had a good time, and so did I.  I got to hang with other moms, including a long time friend, I held babies, and assisted in a upper grades - elections class.  

Joining with the ladies at Thoughts of Home on Thursday


Carrie said...

I'm trying to comment more on the couple of blogs I read, because if I were a blogger I would get a little discouraged if I couldn't tell if people were reading out there! I love seasonal decor. I thrift for it all year, shop after-holiday sales at boutiques, get some fro. etsy, and use the Michael's 50% off coupons sometimes. I have awful all-day morning sickness right now but made myself put up our fall decor last week in a short moment of feeling semi-normal. It's still in the low 90s here in Nashville but I know it will change soon. We sold our townhome in Houston earlier this year and are renting a cute house south of Nashville. My fall stuff looks great here, something about the way the light comes in the house and the honey-colored hardwood floors. Just so you know a bit about me I have an almost 4-YO girl and our second child on the way. We got married later in life so I will be 39 when #2 is born! I feel old for this lol. Thanks for writing!

Rebecca said...

I DO like to decorate seasonally, but I seem to fall farther and farther behind and by the time I get around to it these days, it's almost time to decorate for the NEXT season. I plan to do better - and seeing YOUR lovelies is GREAT inspiration to do SOMEthing! ♥

GranthamLynn said...

Love it. It's perfect for the Fall Party. I'd love you to link!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you Carrie for your great comment and sweet encouragement!

As a bit of encouragement to you I had my last child at 42! :) I was much more settled as a person and had more confidence than I did when my oldest children were born/young.

Enjoy your kids - and don't try to keep up with those younger moms! Be yourself!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thanks for reminding me! I linked up this post and my other fall decor post!

GranthamLynn said...

Thanks for linking. You know I love Fall. I don't do outside much because currently we are in an apartment. Just a couple pots by the door. But we are moving in exactly 1 month to a house. I get to get stuff out of storage and go hog wild with my decorating again!
Thanks again for linking. Have a great weekend.

Vee said...

Very nice autumnal welcomes to your home. I grinned over your fluffing comment. I never notice the little problem areas until I see the photo. Course I do see the sinkload of dishes that I must get to before bed. I don't want to wake to that.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yes, I didn't see the red cooler in the reflection until I posted the photo!

janice15 said...

I love your wreath and that adorable welcome pumpkin... I love to chage the dinning room table accirding to the seasons or holiday, Happy weekend with love Janice

Sandi said...


But how is it Autumn already?? Am I the only one who went through a time warp?

Theresa said...

I better get busy! It is still hot here, a little cooler in the evenings but the days are still toasty! I love to decorate but haven't been up to the attic yet! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Pretty autumn welcomes at your door! Yes, I decorate for fall both inside and out. I did my decorating this week, as hot and humid as it was, because we were having company. But it is feeling like fall here this morning and I am loving it!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you Janice!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You have plenty of time! Its hard to think of fall if the temps are still so high!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I think you should show us your decor! I feel a blog post coming up!

Sylvia said...

I have always liked to decorate, especially at Christmas. Each year I do less and less though. Hopefully this year I'll do more.

podso said...

Your doors look pretty and like fall! I do a little decorating inside and sometimes a pumpkin at the door outside. I've done it early when we were making some changes anyway, maybe hoping it would feel like fall. The mornings are a tad cooler so we can tell a difference but we are still in full heat mode here and so dry. Oh for a few drops of rain! I'm glad you enjoyed the co-op.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I've put out some Fall decorations in the house. I still have to switch the porch to Fall. The hot weather is to return next week! Love your door.

Carrie said...

Lovely encouraging words. Thank you.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I've changed what I do at Christmas, too, but I still put a bit of Christmas into each room. Sometimes I change where I use certain things and it keeps it fresh, if you know what I mean!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You're welcome Carrie! Lovely to have you here!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We are having warm, humid weather again, but the official season change is this week! We are having lovely evenings and overnight it is cooling down, so you have feel the change of season. It rained here last night for the first rain we've had in weeks.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love having some seasonal decor outside! Its cheering and welcoming even if its only for us!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...