Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Pumpkins As Decor - A Work In Progress

I took the kids to get pumpkins yesterday.  We usually buy from our local produce stand, and we did again this year.

 They always have so many interesting shapes, but I usually go pretty traditional in my pumpkin purchases.  This year, however, I did NOT!

Here we had started a pile of our choices.

They also have wonderful mums.  I didn't buy any mums yesterday, but I probably will go back.  I think we need a few more pumpkins for outside.  

These pumpkins look bigger in the photo than they are.  Kyle and Kamryn drew faces on their tiny ones!

I like the shape of this one and the color.

I piled a dark green one and some littles in with my candle and some dried hydrangea.

This is a work in progress.  I just threw it together to see what it would look like. I may change out a pumpkin or two for deeper color. I've never stacked my pumpkins, though I like the look very much. I need something for the pumpkins to sit on in the urn, and candles for the lanterns.  And I may use different lanterns altogether.  I may put mums here or decorative cabbage, instead of the brown eyed susans.

This is the fun part of putting it all together and seeing what works. What about you?  Have you bought any pumpkins yet?

ps- I fixed the link for the Perfect Everytime Turkey on the last post!

pss - Here is a link to the video that Joseph's mom Susanna posted.  It is only of Josie's room, but I may ask if I can come do a video tour with her of the other rooms.  It really looks great.  Josie's room was a delight to do because it perfectly fits her needs and yet it looks just like a teen girls bedroom and not like a accessible bedroom other than a few details (well thought out) here and there and in the bathroom!

Josie and I played WAR the other day at their house during the open house, and I am happy to say that I skunked her!  It was close at first, but then I won! ha ha!  She's a great girl and very independent and capable.  Lindsay has wonderful in laws!


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Oh, look at all those lovely pumpkins! I find them fascinating perhaps because they remind me of the Cinderella story. I like them stacked too. What a lovely place to find autumnal items for your decor.
I got my pumpkins over the weekend as well as two pots of mums. Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day, Deanna.


janice15 said...

We havent gone for pumpkins yet. I love all the pumpkins you seen and the mums look so pretty.. I cant believe September is over with. The days are just flying. Happy Fall have a lovely day. With love Janice

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I've seen piled pumpkins in magazines and elsewhere and must say I really like the look too Deanna. I haven't used real pumpkins for decor since our girls were little and now it' s their turn to carve them with their families.
It used to be fun going to the pumpkin patches and straw mazes where Grandma with no sense of direction always had to be rescued. lol

GranthamLynn said...

Oh how fun. We're going to a patch on Saturday! I love your post.
I hope you can link at the Fabulous Fall Party!
The linky will change (today Wed.) about 5:00 for week #5
Happy Fall!

Susanna said...

That's a really great idea, Deanna, and I think we'd be glad for it in the future!

Kris said...

Hi, I have been enjoying your blog for a while now.

Would you mind sharing what produce stand you were at for this post?

I live in York County, so I can probably look it up if you provide the name.


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