Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Home Education: A Return To Co-Op

The co-op we are returning to is 18 years old this year.  We started with it the first year and then in the second year, I joined the leadership team.  I served on leadership for 12 year - five of those as the chairwoman of the team.  My last year was the year that Emma graduated.  

We took a year off from co-op, then two and then it was five years since we had been a part.  I needed to break and while my kids would have enjoyed co-op, everyone thrived.

This year we decided to go back and give co-op a try again.  Kyle will have gym, Sarah will have an elections and government class, and choir.  Kamryn will get classes, too.

I will be helping in classes in the fall and teaching English Country Dancing in the spring.  I'll get a chance to hang out in the mom's room with other mom's.  I'll enjoy this time because I really like to encourage other women.  Many of these mom's are just getting started with raising their families and have chosen homeschooling.  I remember those days.  I can help them know that the days are long but the years are short.  They'll blink and their kids will be graduated.

It feels a bit strange to go back, but I think I'm ready.  The kids are beyond ready.  Ready or not, it begins!


podso said...

I'm sure you are ready. I like that phrase the days are long but the years are short. I was telling that to a young mom last night who was discouraged by the length of her days at home with small children. said...

How nice that you can be an encourager to the newer Homeschool moms! I try to encourage the moms at our church that are on this journey also; so many times their own families are not doing that, so I try to share the other side of the journey.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like a great revisit with benefits for your family and beyond! Enjoy!

Terra said...

A return to the co-op for you, and being an encourager for home school moms. I bet English Country Dancing that you will teach is fun.

Information Friday

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