Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 19, 2016

Family Portraits

Our longtime friend Jennifer of Fly Away Home Photography came and took our first professional family portraits!  It was special having her do since we've been friends since our oldest kids were about 5 years old! (they are now 27 years old btw)

I love how Sandi and Cheyenne came to be in the photos too, though they decided eating was much more interesting that what we were doing!

 The whole family.  Love that we captured this moment in time for both Emma and Kay.  I love that Kamryn is holding her mommy's hand and my mommy's hand.  I love that my wonderful sons in law have made my daughters' very happy.  I love that my daughter in law loves my son. I love my sweetheart and I'm so happy that my parents are in good health! I love my younger kids who are all growing so fast.  I so proud of all of them.  Lots of happy in this photo, and I'm grateful we captured it.

 Nate, Kayleigh, and Kamryn (and Klaire)

Lindsay and Joseph

 Emma and Vinnie

 Mom and Dad - They celebrated 57 years of marriage in July!

 My sweetheart and I

 Rachel, Kyle and Sarah

We took these on a Sunday and it was windy and warm that day.  My hair did crazy things in spite of the fact that I sprayed it with freeze hair spray!

 My handsome bookends!  Love these two so much!

I adore this photo of Tim and the girls and our grandgirlie!


Rebecca said...

podso said...

Wonderful pictures. You will treasure these!

Thankful for Grace said...

Deanna, these are so so so beautiful! what a gorgeous family you have. What great colors y'all chose to wear.

Your parents got married the same year mine did. Mine celebrated their 57th in May.

Blessings on your day,

Cheryl said...

I have so enjoyed seeing these beautiful family photos here and on your Facebook!! How wonderful to capture these moments in time! Indeed, you have many reasons to be grateful!

GranthamLynn said...

Beautiful shots. Very beautiful family. Your Blessed.
Have a good week.

Estelle's said...

I love family photos! Looks like a bautiful day to take pictures....thank you for sharing your beautiful family!...which seems to be growing....

Christine said...

Scrolling through each picture, everyone had such a great smile, I was smiling too!
Great looking family.
Great pictures, too.

Summer said...

Ahhh Such a beautiful family! Nice photos ♥

Vee said...

Great photos! Are there more combinations? I don't see you with your girls. I don't see Tim with his boys. I don't see the in-laws of my favorite family photos is of my mother with all my uncles...the spouses of a brother and his four sisters. I'm sure that I could come up with more...yes, just your kids. Just you and Tim with Kamryn and the two grands on the way (and their moms, too, of course =D Gotta stop, I'm on a roll.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...