Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Yesterday I Put On My Event Planner Hat

Several ladies at church, including Becky at Hospitality Lane, are helping a friend at church with her upcoming wedding in October.
Becky is coordinating all the food, and I am doing my thing which is decorating and flowers.

Ruth is remarrying her ex-husband.  I asked her how this all came to be and she said that after seeing the movie "War Room" she set up her own war room and began to pray for her family, and this is fruit that came out of it.  Their adult son and daughter are their attendants and I believe this event is going to be huge in the lives of their family.

Yesterday I took Ruth to the wholesale flower place that I use for fresh cut flowers for events that I do.  We looked at greenery, flowers, ribbons - talked about lots of choices, and made some decisions.  There is nothing like a bride to be actually seeing the flowers and seeing how it will all go together.

I took a few pictures to help me remember.

 We are not using these green buttons mums, but its a color she liked

I'm always fascinated by the choices that brides make in their flowers.  They always reflect the brides personality - this bride is very traditional.  She is using her original wedding colors, and while not using the same flowers (daisies and carnations), she definitely made traditional choices. 

I believe it will be a beautiful wedding.  White tablecloths, floating candles, a sweetheart table.  I'm going to try a unique floral arrangement for the sanctuary, an idea I had as we don't have an alter or similar space to put a floral arrangement on.  I'll let you know how that works out!

I'm using the glass cylinders that we purchased for Emma's wedding, to duplicate centerpieces that Ruth had found on Pinterest!  It's going to be very pretty!

This is the space we'll be working with and rather than a buffet, which this reception was, Ruth's wedding will be a sit down dinner, with servers.

I'll take lots of pictures, and be sure to share them here with you all.


Rebecca said...

The flowers will be ALMOST as beautiful as the restoration of this marriage sounds ♥

Tammy said...

It's going to be lovely. Best wishes to Ruth and her new husband for a long and happy marriage.

Debby Ray said...

I am sure the big event will be just lovely. What a wonderful thing that the two are remarrying...and because of the powerful statement of the movie! That is amazing! The first thing I wanted to do when I saw the movie was go home and clean out a closet!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh how fun. And what a great and encouraging story! Your photos are great. Keep us posted! And have fun!

Sylvia said...

How wonderful. I haven't seen War Room, but I want to after watching..Facing the Giants, Courageous and God is Not Dead last Sunday night.

Vee said...

Sounds like a very exciting time for Ruth and family. How fun to be able to help a friend create a beautiful day.

Lorrie said...

What lovely flowers Ruth has chosen for her special day. A marriage restoration is a wonderful gift.

Thankful for Grace said...

What an amazing story of the power of prayer to bring restoration in relationships!!! How totally cool that their son and daughter will be their attendants.

The flowers are beautiful...then again, aren't ALL flowers beautiful? They are some of my favorite things in the world.

We did all the flowers for my daughter's wedding last October. It was a lot of work, but it was certainly cheaper than using a florist. I am especially thrilled with the way her bouquet turned out.

Blessings on your day,

podso said...

I had a friend who had a similar second marriage! Heaven is rejoicing I'm sure! Those are beautiful flower choices;l I think they would be mine as well. I saw at a wedding recently they had a flower bar where guests made bouquets for themselves. Have you heard of it? I think I saw something similar with wild flowers. Guests fastened their choices in their hair or carried them, or tucked them in a collar. etc. Interesting!

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