Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Don't Lose Sight Of Eternity

Thank you all for your prayers.  I know the family appreciates it very much.  With everything going on, I am reminded of the Psalm 90:12 - "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

I've known this verse for years.  It reminds me to focus on eternal things.  I don't know about you, but I find it easy to get distracted by life.  I put my eyes on what's in front of me.  

I have late night talks with teenagers, share burdens with friends, make meals, go to meetings, oversee our homeschool, make plans for hospitality in our parents room at co-op, plan for our fall fest, drive the kids to gatherings with friends, grocery shop, help my husband with paperwork for the business.

I know you have life in front of you, too.  But I want to remind myself and encourage you to keep eternity in focus and to remember to pray for a hurting world, to pray for the needs of friends and family.  To be Jesus' hands and feet here on earth.  To share truth, to lift up and encourage others.

I'm writing this late tonight, its just after midnight and I am waiting for a load of laundry to finish, so that Tim can have clean work shirts in the morning.  Our friend Denny took Tim and I to dinner, and when we returned home, the kids had brought all their friends from frisbee home for a campfire. (we knew this was happening)  

Things of eternal value were placed before laundry, so I'm still up.  Kyle was up until a few minutes ago, keeping me company and keeping an eye on the water filling the totes for Tim to take tomorrow to an inspection.  He's gone to bed now, but how I appreciate his loving heart.  Having time to chat with him while we wait for things to get done.  Eternal value, and worth the late night.

 Soft, late night glow

I'm tired, but fine.

 Kyle looking at the co-op yearbook waiting for the timer to go off.

Legos are proof of life with a boy.

Thank you friends, for reading here and listening to my heart tonight.  I'm carrying sadness for pain of the world, but I know the One who holds it all and sees it all with eternal perspective.  I'm learning, in ever deeper ways, to trust it all to Him.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Prayer Requests

Yesterday, we got two prayer requests for elderly parents in our extended family.

First came an email from our sister in law, Sharon, whose dear father is near the end of his life.  He is in his 90's.  He had been declining for some time and then recently went on hospice because he had stopped eating and drinking.  Now he has developed pneumonia.  My inlaws were planning on coming to the states (they are missionaries in Africa) at the end of September, now they are trying to get a flight as soon as possible, as they think her dad only has a few days left.  

Her dad, Dave, was a missionary pilot in Nigeria for many years and then later served in Liberia.  We know that he will soon be with the Lord.  Please pray for both Sharon and her sister MaryAnna (who is a missionary in Liberia) to be able to get back to see their dad before his home going.

Photo taken in Vermont several years ago

Then last night we got an email about our brother in law's mom.  She's also in her 90's and suffering from Congestive Heart failure.  She lives alone in her farmhouse, refuses to leave there, and just wants to go to be with the Lord.  My sister in law, Esther, is heading from Florida to upstate New York to be with her for a few weeks, then our niece Crystal will be there in October.  Please pray for Pat, and for the family to have wisdom in how to care for her, and other decisions she has to make.  Of course, Pat would love it if the Lord would just take her home to be with him!

We love both of these dear ones, and are praying for them.  Thankful that one day we'll see them again.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Seasonal Changes

I changed out my mid summer decor on the deck, as my buntings and navy blue table cloth looked out of place.  It seems strange since it is technically still summer for several more weeks.

My beautiful Red Sunset Maples are October changing trees.  One section has begun to change already.

The walnut trees are September changing trees, so its not so unusual for them to be turning now.
I feel as if we are about two - three weeks early this year with seasonal changes.  What's it like where you are?

I've begun to bring some fall things out - 
Nothing bright orange yet, though.  I found these little glass pumpkins at Christmas Tree Shops for $1.47 each.  Can you believe it?  

I know many people choose to begin autumn on September 1st.  Our weather here in Pennsylvania is feeling very autumn like.  Today its raining lightly and we will have a high of 65 degrees.  Amazing.  We'll have a few days coming up of 80 degree weather, but the rest will be mid to low 70's.

All the schools here are back to classes, we've been back in our homeschool for three weeks.  Last night we had our co-op parents meeting.  We start September 14th.

I'm a happy girl.

Monday, August 28, 2017


These two are friends of mine.  Katie, on the left, I've known for about four years, and Jane, on the right, I've known for 28 years.  They became friends to each other when I seated them at the same table at Lindsay's wedding reception.

After church, the kids decided to hike in the afternoon, and then come back here for a campfire.  We picked up pizza and enjoyed getting to know a few 'new' kids, who came.  When I say kids I mean mostly teens and young adults but a few younger siblings too!

 After it got dark, a few more friends came by for the fire.

One of them always brings along his guitar, and plays.  I love to hear him sing and play.  

Our weekend was basically about friendship.  Checking out some work that friends need to have done on a building they are leasing, grabbing a treat with our guests, getting a call from our daughter that she'd locked her keys in her car.  Our rescue crew, picked up my dad, whose fire company has some extra tools for getting a car door open.  The girls were at a swing dancing event held every Saturday in our area.  Tim went inside after they'd gotten to door open, and he was gratified to have Sarah rush to come hug him and want him to stay and have a dance with her.  We are blessed with the friendships we have with our children as well as our friends who have become our family.

Did you have a lovely weekend?  What was your favorite part of the weekend? Let's chat in the comments.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Late Summer/Early Fall

The late summer/early fall weather is so delightful.  Mild days, cool nights.  Bliss!

I'm letting my Limelight hydrangea dry naturally and they are so beautiful.

The kids and I (mainly the kids) did a lot of weeding the last two days.  I cut back many of the spent plants and we found this little, perfect blue hydrangea.  I put it on the back of the sink where I can see it all day.

While I am delighted that autumn is nearly here, and the signs of the changing seasons are everywhere, I am happy that it is still peach season!
If you've never eaten a freestone peach, I feel sad for you!  These are Flaming Fury peaches.  The taste is amazing!

I'll be cutting these peaches today for eating.  Between us and our friends, this half peck box full will be gone in no time!  

We are enjoying hanging out with our friends.  We've known them for 28 years this month.  They are in reality, family to us.  They'll be here until Wednesday.  

I hope you have a delightful weekend, friends!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Book Review: A Name Unknown

Roseanna White is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.  She writes wonderful female characters.

In A Name Unknown, Rosemary Gresham, left to the streets in London after the death of her parents, has become a thief.  Not just a pickpocket but a thief who can blend into 'society' and still art or jewelry.

Her skill has not gone unnoticed and she is asked to find out if a wealthy man, who has the ear of the King and his son, is loyal to Great Britain or Germany, as WWI looms on the horizon.

I enjoy historical fiction and this book did not disappoint.  We learn to care about Rosemary, her 'siblings', and the man she is secretly spying on, Peter Holstein.

I highly recommend this book, which is the first of a new series "Shadows Over England."

I was was given a book in return for my opinion.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.  Our weather is delightful and we have friends coming tomorrow to stay for a week!  

Home Keeping: Plate Wall

I've had various things on this wall over the years, including a poster of clan tartans, and a lovely watercolor of a tavern in Colonial Williamsburg, along with a few plates.

Recently, I decided to put plates, platters, and silver trays all over this wall above the love seat.

 Some plates are where they are because there were already holes there and some are purposely put there.  I didn't follow all conventional advice to lay it out carefully on the floor first. Its crazy, I know, but that's how I roll.  Just do it!

I may add more plates over time, or I may decide its horrible and take it all down.

I did have fun making a Waterlogue photo of it.

Do you ever get crazy ideas and just go with it?  Let me know in the comments!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Things I'm Loving Right Now

These are things I'm loving right now 

My new Skechers from Costco.  Super comfy, slip on, can wear with pants, capris, and casual knit dresses.  Perfect for my everyday clothes.

I'm loving this man more and more every day.  This photo is from Sunday morning.

I'm loving these navy blue flats from Target online.  I ordered a pair to pick up at my local store.  They let me know that my local store didn't have any so they are shipping them to me free of charge.  Plus they are only $19.99! win win!

I don't have any navy shoes and yet I have a lot of navy in my wardrobe now.  

This is not a great photo but I love this sweet coat by Carter's.  It is lined in pink polar fleece.  Its a great price and the style and weight of the jacket is just right for Isla who is a southern babe.  She won't need a super warm jacket for winter, but this one will be just right for her.

I'm also loving this....

I'm loving that my daughter in law, Kayleigh is blogging!  Check it out here!  She's homeschooling Kamryn this year, too! 

So what things are you loving these days?

I have a book review due, and I'll try to get to that this week!  Our patient has recovered well enough to not be on pain meds now and so he went home to his apartment today.  He's pretty self sufficient and was no inconvenience to have here.  We are pleased that he has recovered so well!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Did You See It?

We did!  It was fun.  We had friends over (they homeschool, too) and we used Tim's fancy welding helmet!  It worked perfectly.

I didn't take any photos here, but Lindsay sent me this one from Tennessee.

This is how it looked during totality.  She took her Nikon with her too, so once she gets them edited, I'll see if she'll let me share a few with you.

My niece sent me this cute meme -

I started the day by mowing our property.  It was about 10:30 when I started and the day was already very warm.

This is how I get my Vitamin D!

I'd love to hear your stories about the eclipse.  I read that this is the first time since the founding of the USA that we've had a total eclipse visible from one side of the country to the other.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Weekend, Fellowship, and The Eclipse

We had a really nice weekend.  Friday evening we had an intense thunderstorm.  Lots of rain, too.  

Saturday was beautiful, and I worked on changing things on one of my livingroom walls.  I'll show you soon. I promise.

We had a fellowship meal at church today.  We were busy yesterday, and decided that we would order a pizza as our contribution to the meal.  Two other families did the same thing!  It was funny.  After the meal we had a congregational meeting, then several families came over to hang out and visit with Denny, who didn't make it to church today.

Tomorrow is eclipse day!  We didn't buy glasses but are going to use Tim's welding mask.  Its a special kind.  Kay is bringing the girls down, and my friend Jen is bringing her kids over.  What a great science project!

Lindsay and Joseph went down to Tennessee (where Emma and Vinnie are for the summer) to see the eclipse in totality!

NASA has a website set up for viewing the eclipse, too.  We are going to be looking at this site as well, as I really want to see it in totality!  You can find the link here.

I can't wait to hear about all your viewing experiences!  

Friday, August 18, 2017

That Time I Saved My Hydrangea From The Big Storm

It's been really humid here the last several days, and today we had a really big thunderstorm in the late afternoon.  Lightning, thunder and pouring rain!  Our creek was overflowing its banks for a while.

Thankfully I knew this storm was likely so I went out and cut the biggest of my limelight hydrangea.  I didn't want them to get damaged.

 There are only three blooms in this pitcher!  Aren't they amazing?  And did you notice the touch of autumn on the flowers?

So pretty!

Our patient is recovering well.  He likes the curry that we make here so I made a big batch of it and we enjoyed it for dinner and will likely have it Saturday as well.  That works for me, and will give me more time to work on some rearranging I want to do, especially on the living room walls.

I hope you have a really nice weekend!

A Bedside Table

We've been on the lookout for a table for next to Sarah's bed. She had been using, by her own choice, a cardboard box!  (smile)  

Today, I was at Christmas Tree Shops picking up cute napkins for daily use here at home, and some napkins to use when our homeschool co-op starts up next month.  I always make a trip through at least the perimeter of the store and in the furniture section, I struck gold!

 I saw this table and thought that the styling, in spite of their 'modern' label, reminded me of a campaign desk (here is a link to one).  I knew it would look great in her bedroom, and they were marked down by $30!  They only had grey and white on display and I was bummed, but as I looked at the boxes I saw that they had black tables in this style!  Score!

I brought it home, and assembled it this evening.  I had her take a few photos but they were mostly dark.  I'll try to get a better shot or two of it, in her room, tomorrow.

I love the way it looks in her room! And I'm happy that she has a nice table beside her bed now, rather than a cardboard box!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Mid-August Evening

 I had a busy day yesterday, so I waited until evening to get to the mowing.  I noticed that the walnut tree was dropping leaves and changing to its autumn yellow color.

 The light always draws my attention at this time of year.  There is a more golden tone, as we head into autumn, than the bright shining of summer.

20 minutes later, I ran out of gas for the mower when I was almost done.  So I took this photo (from a different spot) and enjoyed listening to the birds.

The horses love to come around when I mow near the pasture, because they know that I'll shoot some fresh grass in to them.  Cheyenne was the only one who came because Sandy was helping Lindsay teach a young boy how to ride and care for horses.

We are midway through August friends.  Autumn's on its way.  Are you noticing signs of  it where you live?

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Caring For A Friend

You may remember that our friend Denny was going to get his knee replaced right after our California trip.

He postponed that until winter, but found out he'd developed a hernia.  Surgery is this morning.

Rachel and I are up at O dark thirty, and will get him there by 6:00 am.

Naps are likely later today.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

My Freckles Are A Reminder

They remind me of the beauty God designed for the many tones of skin He has given to the Nations of the world.  When I look at my freckles, I am reminded of His love for PEOPLE - we are all created in His image.

My freckles give me a bit of the same color of skin as my friend Nick, who has African heritage, and my friend Thelma, who has Mexican heritage, and my friend Barbara, who has Dutch/Indonesian heritage, and my friend Tim, who is Irish, and my great nephew Logan, who has African heritage and Scottish, Irish, and English heritage. I could go on and on.

There are many ethnicities, and how beautiful they are.  God could have designed all humans to have purple skin.  He didn't though. He designed our DNA to be able to produce different melanin counts.  Its a beautiful thing.

There has always been fear of those 'not like us' since the Tower of Babel when God changed the language from one to many, and people scattered all over the world.  Darwin's theory of evolution contributed to this idea that some 'races' were not as advanced as others.  Did you know this?  You can read about that here.

I'm grieved over where the loss of truth has lead us to as a nation. I'm thankful that I was raised in a multi-ethnic church and learned to love people for their character and not the color of their skin. Every day, when I look at my skin, I'm thankful for the daily reminder that God made only one race - the Human Race!  

Sunday, August 13, 2017

More Clothes Talk

I've spent sometime this weekend pinning more clothing that I like.  Do you ever look at clothes on Pinterest?  I put fashion over 40 into the search bar and up come all kinds of interesting stuff!

Here's the link to my fashion pinterest  board if you want to see more.  As a disclaimer I want to say that I might not have pinned each pin because I like the whole outfit.  I may have just liked the way something was put together with accessories, or the color of something.

Do you have fashion boards on pinterest?  Will you share the links with us?  I'd love to see what your pinning! 

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...