Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 22, 2018

Being Lazy With My Eating Plan (THM)

Has lead to stalled weight loss, a bit of gained weight.  

It all has to do with mental laziness.  Sometimes eating according to how my body loses weight seems to hard. (its not at all) Or I have to think through my day, and prepare snacks or a take along lunch, so I can stay on plan.  It comes down to just not doing the things that will bring me success.

I've had success with this eating plan (Trim Healthy Mama), I know it works for me and for hundreds of thousands of other people.  When I started and saw that it worked for me, I just couldn't understand how anyone would go off plan!  Then I got so confident in how the plan was working for me, that I made a lot of weekly compromises and ate too, many off plan things, at least enough that wouldn't allow my body to get into fat burning mode.

I'm healthy.  The doctor is very pleased with all my 'numbers' etc. But I am not satisfied with my weight loss stall.  So starting today, I am fully back on plan!

I'm making delicious chocolate waffles this morning, from the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook.

For lunch I'll be having leftovers (on plan) and for dinner, I'll be making beef and rice.  I don't eat the rice, I eat my beef and gravy over veggies; riced cauliflower or green beans or zucchini.  I always eat it this way now and I am never unsatisfied.

I've also begun to do some T-Tapp.  This is a link to a youtube video that shows the basic idea of T-Tapp.  I need something that is going to work for me without a lot of jumping around.  This I believe will help me tone, tighten, and strengthen my whole body.  Its a good workout.

I'm writing this update because I want to be open about my weight loss journey here.  If it encourages anyone, I'll be happy for it!

Before starting THM

Recent photo


Sylvia said...

Hope you start losing again soon. I too am on a weight Loss plan, mainly Low Carb. I have lost 39 lbs. I too have gotten somewhat lazy. I miss eating foods I am use too and eat them on occasions. I do find that my weight will vary a couple pounds. I will try to do better!

Linda said...

Good for you! It’s natural to get routine with all the holidays and changes. You will be back on track in no time!
T Tap? I’ve not heard of it before but I I’ll b checking it out! I walk, do some yoga and tai chi. My joints won’t allow for jumping around!

Rebecca said...

You're so wise to assess and re-focus. It's so easy to slip up little by little...I've done it MANY times. I'm thankful for an eating strategy that works very well for me without extra preparation or foods to avoid, etc.

You have done SO well, Deanna! Keep it up. ♥

Vee said...

Good for you! I like your realistic outlook. You know the plan works if you work the plan and you know you feel good and look great when you do. Win-Win!

Sandi said...

You look great!

Someone brought an eclair cake to our homeschool co-op today. Yeah. was delicious.

Kim said...

You look fabulous! I understand how difficult it is to stay on track with an eating plan. I am lazy. I have a terrible stomach and I should be eating a careful diet, but I go off when I busy. I need to check out that T-Tap video. I need to start something.

GrammaGrits said...

Looking good, and I fully understand how easily we get side-tracked - I've done it many times. T-Tap is great; I've done it in the past and really liked it.

Sherry said...

side tracked? ohhh yes. me too. hugs.
laziness and/or emotional eating and sometimes both.
i've gained a few of the 47 originally lost and am
now back on program myself. and... beginning my own
dvd of t-tapp. :) we're in a club! ;)

Cheryl said...

Good for you, making a new commitment to being healthy!! I don't think that I have told you, but my sister has lost 75 pounds on the THM plan! Now if only I'd be inspired by your successes . . .

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