Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

This And That

We're having a heatwave here in Central Pennsylvania.  It's already 31 degrees going up to 37!  The sun is shining, too.  The warming is a brief trend, but we'll take it!

I don't mind winter, generally, because I don't have to leave my home if I don't want to.  There are a few exceptions, of course, but mostly I can putter around the house, cook food, read, knit, do school stuff with the kids.  

Yesterday, Tim got home late, and Rachel got home early.  There was prep for Tim to be ready for his inspections today, and Rachel and I filled out the FAFSA and State Grant applications.  She is looking for grant money for school for next fall.   

I got to bed late and was up at my usual time this morning.  I've done some reading, praying, and social media stuff.  My heart is heavy for an acquaintance whose husband has been battling cancer for several years and there is now something new that has no name yet, for a dear friend whose daughter is so lost.

This afternoon I'll be meeting with my friend and her daughter and future son in law.  I'm helping them walk through wedding plans.  I am going to be their day of coordinator, too.  Weddings are fun, and I love to help brides have the wedding they want.

Tomorrow I'll be at the hospital for our friends' surgery.  Don't know how long that will take, but he'll be in the hospital for a few days at least.  We'll know today what time his surgery will be.  

We start our co-op again on Thursday so I need to make sure I have napkins, plates, and cups, half and half, a cold drink, along with coffee and tea.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again!

Well, I need to get a move on.  I hope you're having a good week, too!


podso said...

Hope your friend does well with his new knee! It will be a blessing to be at your house! It's warming up here too, and so strange that upper 30s now feels a little warm! :-)

A Joyful Cottage said...

Like you, it seems so many of our friends are dealing with health issues right now. Some are life threatening. Our prayer list is growing. I hope as 2018 progresses healing will take place for your friends. Hugs.

Rebecca said...

what a busy lady you are! Welcome back from your travels, by the way. All around us we're surrounded by people dealing with hard things. Thankful my life is pretty flexible right now to be able to help in small ways.

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...