Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

I’m Tired Tonight

Our friend Denny came through his surgery very well!  Thank you for your prayers.  Kyle was my hospital buddy today and I was grateful for his company.  We got to the hospital around noon then the  surgery started around 2:30pm.  He was done buy 4:00pmbut they didt have a room for him until we’ll aftre 7:00pm!  We finally got to visit him for a bit then headed home around 8:00pm!

I am tired from doing nothing but waiting all day!

We had good news all around today - our friend passed her driving test and Tim’s mom is doing better, as well.  

I can’t wait to climb into bed tonight!


Laura said...

When friends and family make their way through difficult challenges it is such a blessing- but it can be exhausting.
I hope you rested well!

Thank you for your visit to my blog.


Rebecca said...

Hope your sleep was deep and sweet. ♥
It was encouraging to hear all your good news.

podso said...

Waiting around the hospital all day is exhausting. But it's so nice you were there for him. Hope you slept well!

Debby Ray said...

I hope you received some good rest after that long day. Good news makes any day a good day!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I think waiting can take more effort than actually doing something! Hope you got some good rest!

bj said...

So glad for all the good news you have.
and what a pretty bed to climb into.
I wanted to tell you that 20 years ago, we had 3 new grandgirls in 3 days. DIL had twin girls and 3 days later, our daughter had a baby girl. Soooo fun

Cheryl said...

You have had some busy days . . . really, you have been going strong since the holidays began! I hope that you were able to have some restorative sleep. Glad to hear that Denny's surgery was successful, and good to know that he has a welcoming place to recover.

Kim said...

Busy days indeed, even when it's just being busy waiting...I hope you got a good night's sleep.

Vee said...

You surely must be tired. Waiting and hanging around in hospitals wearies everyone. So glad that your friend is doing well for this stage of recovery. Ongoing prayers.

Wonderful that Tim’s mom is rebounding. I get the feeling that she has done a lot of that through the years.

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