Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 8, 2018

I'm Back!

Tim and I flew home, from sunny but COLD Florida, yesterday.  Christmas week was in the 80's and upper 70's, but we got 30's and wind chill.  

We're okay with that as it was in the teens here at home and snowy and wind chill.  We had some rain, too, but lots of sun and blue sky and it we had a great time.

We stayed with our friends in their sweet cottage and did lots of fun things.

 We spent a sunny day at Canaveral National Seashore.  This is where we always brought our kids to the beach.  Its preserved and not crowded ever.  We ate at BJ Fish Camp before we enter the national park and Tim got an alligator sandwich.  I tried a piece and it was not bad.  Granted, it had cajun spices on it and I wouldn't order it, but it if it was the only thing around to eat, I could eat it and be okay! 

There is a restored home in the national park that was a part of Eldora Village.  You can read about it here.

Tim ended up with some projects at his mom's house.  They replaced a well pump, he fixed some shingles on her roof, they began the process of getting rid of stuff in multiple sheds, and got one old shed torn down.  This was several days worth of work, so I got to go out with Jane, several times, and with my sister in law Esther, one time, for tea!

I love sitting in a lovely environment and having tea with a friend.

I didn't take many pictures on this trip, but I did get one with Tim and his mom Friday night when we brought her home from our brother in law's birthday party.

Early the next morning we got a call that she'd had a mini stroke. We headed right over with Jane who is an RN.  She recovered amazingly during the day, but it having some weakness and breathing issues.  She has a few appointments this week.  She's 96 years old, and we recognize that every visit might be the last time we see her.  We were grateful for good family time this week.

We enjoyed flying for this trip, it's a short 2 hour flight.  When we got home I was completely surprised by an anniversary party thrown by our kids!

Lindsay took some photos, but I haven't seen them yet.  It was a fun way to arrive home!

This week I have to get the house put back together after the party, get some groceries, move our clothes downstairs to our temporary bedroom.  Our friends' surgery is Wednesday, our homeschool co-op starts back up on Thursday.  

I am thankful for the restful and fun week we had.  Grateful for Tim, who I've spent 30 years of marriage with.  Good times, and hard times, struggles and joys.  God has graciously walk alongside of us through it all.

Here's to 30 more!  


podso said...

What a lot of good memories you built into this past week! And what a welcome home you got. Blessings all around. Hope Tim's mom improves. She looks so young for her age!

Vee said...

Welcome home...and your family did a beautiful job of welcoming you home! Wonderful time away and it is also wonderful to return to a somewhat regular schedule. All the best to your friend regarding Wednesday’s surgery.

Sandi said...

That is so beautiful by the water!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

How sweet of your kids. What a trip. Blessings.

Cheryl said...

How exciting to come home to a celebration!! Happy anniversary to you both!! And now you jump back into life. One step at I time (I tell myself).

I continue to pray for Tim's mom . . . that our Lord's mercy surrounds her to the end. She is a precious servant.

Linda said...

Happy Anniversary! Loved hearing about your trip! 96 years old! That’s wonderful! Your Tim has good genes so I think you two will be celebrating another big anniversary in 2048!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...