Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trim Healthy Mama Products

Kris asked if I would do a post about Trim Healthy Mama products.  I don't use a lot of their products, but I'll tell you what I do use, or have tried.

The sisters, Serene and Pearl, who began THM, began offering these products because many people who were following their eating plan couldn't find these kinds of products where they live.  I still use some of the products they recommended and used before they started offering their own.

Baking Blend

I haven't tried any of the 'make your own' baking blends, but I love and use this one.  Its ingredients are - Oat Fiber, Organic Coconut Flour, Golden Flax Meal, Blanched Almond Flour, Collagen Peptides, Glucomannan (organic konjac extract powder).  

I have had good success baking with this.  If you are gluten free you could easily use this.  I also bake with almond flour, and some coconut flour, but I buy them locally.  In fact I get my almond flour from Costco.  Very good price and it is ground very fine.

Gentle Sweet

This is a great sweetener.  Before I tried this I was using Pyure (which you can get at Wal-mart) and that was pretty good, but I really love the Gentle Sweet.  No funny aftertaste, though my people here say they can tell its not made with sugar.

I also use xylitol which my family and I find to be just like sugar. (xylitol is toxic to animals so don't use it if you have animals that may eat your baked goods!)  I buy xylitol at my local health food store.

Baobab Boost Powder

Tim grew up in West Africa and these trees grow there.  The fruit is what makes this powder.  From their website - "this amazing fruit grown on the majestic Baobab tree boosts your nutrition in every area. Its citrus and sherbet tasting dried flesh has five times the fiber of oats, and higher antioxidant levels than any food on the planet (8 times that of the super berry Acai, and more than both blueberries and pomegranates combined!) It has more than twice the calcium of milk, double the magnesium and iron of spinach and is loaded with six times the potassium of bananas."

I'm trying to add baobab powder into my daily diet.

Cuffin Mix

I'm a girl who likes things to be quick and easy, but I wasn't impressed with the taste of the muffins I made with this mix.  I also tried the cinnamon mix and felt that some of the other recipes I use have a better taste result and so I won't likely buy these again.  They were super quick and easy, though.

De-Fatted Peanut Flour

This is a good product, and I like to use it in a chocolate peanut butter shake!  I don't always buy this because I can find Jif brand peanut flour locally.  There are many peanut flours around in stores, but they all have sugar in them.  This bag would last for a long time.

Glucomannan - 

Gluccie, is used for adding fiber, but also it is used for thickening smoothies or gravies.  I don't use this product from THM, I buy Now Brand that I get at my local natural foods store.  I began this eating plan using that brand, long before THM products were available.
An important thing to know about gluccie for thickening, is that you only use a tiny bit and you sprinkle it on and stir quickly to incorporate it.  If you use to much you get a gelatinous texture to your gravy.  Ewww.

Integral Collagen

All of the THM products are high quality with no fillers.  I still use Great Lakes Brand, which is a personal preference for me.  I have used the THM collagen and found that it had a 'taste' to it and that I couldn't get it to disolve in cold drinks, so I went back to Great Lakes Brand.  Tim uses collagen in his coffee every morning, and I am trying to add it into my daily routine as well.  Great for your joints, nails, hair, etc.

Oat Fiber

I do use this on occasion and I did buy it from THM because I couldn't find oat fiber locally.

Kris, I hope this helps you and that it may help others who want to eat more healthily and/or are gluten free or sugar free.

The grandgirlies are here and I need to get off the computer now.

Have a great day!

Trim Healthy Mama website


Vee said...

In the new book I am reading, Father Tim is learning about making healthful smoothies. Your post reminded me of that. 🙂

podso said...

I've seen many baobab trees but never knew about their fruit. Interesting!

Kris said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience.
I know you are extra busy this week with little ones.
You have given me more information, thanks again.

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