Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter 2018

Easter is always a favorite holiday here at the cottage.  For us it is a huge celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus.  We are thankful for Good Friday, which causes us to stop and remember just what Christ suffered on our behalf.

With Saturday, its all about setting the tables, and preparing for the celebration to come on Sunday.  I am grateful to live after the Resurrection.  Can you imagine how heartbroken, the disciples and all those who loved and followed Jesus were on that day after Jesus died such a horrible death.  We have the blessing of knowing 'the rest of the story' and so we can prepare with joy for Sunday!

We had a wonderful lunch together with my parents, Nate and Kayleigh and the girls, our friend Denny, and our friends Mike and Jennifer and two of their kids, Brooke and Daniel.

We ate good food (ham, broccoli salad, a fluff (jello salad), potato salad, fruit salad, and baked beans), talked and laughed.  

We enjoyed Klaire experiencing her first egg hunt

These three were excited for their egg hunt - 91 eggs full of fruit snacks, candy, and thanks to Birdie (my mom) some coins!  

Klaire enjoyed watching the action from Grandpa's shoulders.

Later we ate some dessert, the ladies played Mexican Train (dominoes), the men chatted, some of the kids went on a hike.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, too.  Can't wait to make my way around blogland and see all of your celebrations!  Feel free to tell me in the comments what you did or your favorite thing about Easter was this year!


Sandi said...

Beautiful sunlight, Deanna!

Linda said...

What a perfectly wonderful way to celebrate the Resurrection!!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

What awesome fun. Love your table.

Sylvia said...

Looks and sounds like you had a very blessed Easter Sunday.

podso said...

It looks like a beautiful day. Did you then have more snow?

Kim said...

What fun!! And lovely weather to enjoy it all.

Vee said...

A fun day for all! Coins? Now that’ll keep kids interested in the hunt!

Cheryl said...

Looks like a lovely time of joyful celebration!!

Rebecca said...

What a fine day it was Creekside!

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