Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday Five

We have had spring rains this week (off and on) but its the promise of what these rains bring that is exciting.  May should be delightful!

1. Sarah managed wee ponytails for Klaire yesterday.  We were watching the girls, and I took Kamryn with me to the dairy and we came home to this cuteness.

2. I've wanted a Quince shrub for a few years.  I found a red one at a local place.  Its called Double Take Scarlet by Proven Winners.

3. Through Brenda I found @elizabethgoudgebookclub on Instagram!

4.  I bought a fun and lemony tablecloth for the deck table.  So far it has blown off five times, and gotten rained on for days.  Its cute though.

5.  We used to have a big four slice toaster, which was great when we had eight family members living here.  Then, over time one slot, then two, didn't work and the two remaining ones had issues.  I finally threw it out and bought this beauty.  Only two slices, but that is not an issue here any more, with only five of us in the house!

Have a happy weekend!


Cheryl said...

Look at those teeny tiny ponytails! Cuteness!!

Bekah is trying to convince me that we need a toaster. We have had a toaster oven for years, but she says that you never see toaster ovens in movies. (Because they're not cute.) She would love yours!

Patti said...

Totally charming tablecloth. I love it! Yeah, we don't need a 4-slice toaster anymore either, with only 2 of us here now. I really like the one you got. Cute little hairdo for Klaire. Very pretty shrub. Will it bear fruit this year? What do you do with quince? I have never read Elizabeth Goudge. In fact, I've never even heard of her.

Have a great day,

Lorrie said...

Happy weekend, to you, too Deanna. I've never heard of a quince shrub, only quince trees, and your shrub looks nothing like that. Those flowering are such a rich gorgeous shade of red.

podso said...

That toaster will be a nice pop of red in your kitchen. Yes isn't the Goudge bookclub on IG fun? Have a nice weekend and enjoy spring!

Kim said...

Cute ponytails and lots of red. My favorite!!

Linda said...

Lots going on at your place! I would love that lemony tablecloth! And your new red shrub!
Those tiny pony tails are the sweetest photo though!!!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed the quick visit. Cute ponytails. I think I, too, first learned about Elizabeth Goudge from Brenda at Coffee Tea. Have fun reading those delightful books.

Wishing you a lovely weekend...
Brenda xox

Theresa said...

Pretty flowers and I LOVE that lemony table cloth:) Enjoy your day dear friend and that new toaster! HUGS!

Louca por porcelana said...

Great findings!Love the sweet girl!Hugs!

Estelle's said...

Just look at this darling red happy! I love your lemon tablecloth perfect for summer!!!

Buttercup said...

Love your toaster! I've pretty much given up making toast at home -- it's a treat when I go out -- due to THM. But if I needed a toaster, I'd go with the beauty you found. Love the pigtails on your little cutie!

Home Keeping

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