Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Garden of Truth


I follow Ruth Chou Simons on Instagram.  She's a beautiful artist, wife, mother of six boys.  She shares her art and life and truth of God's goodness through her Instagram account and in her art.  Her website is Gracelaced.

I pre-ordered her latest book and I've been enjoying it since it released.

"Something will shape us and form us into who we become--it can either be the truth of God's Word or our own feelings.  Let it be His truth that transforms us."

I needed to hear this today, and probably need that reminder on a weekly basis.


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Her work is so beautiful.

Sylvia said...

Good reminder! Psalms 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be exceptable in thy sight O Lord.."

Cheryl said...

Beautiful quote. Such truth.

Linda said...

Beautiful! Yes, we are shaped by our experiences and God’s grace though them....

podso said...

I'll have to look her up!

Patti said...

I love Grace's artwork. I don't have this book, but I have her other one---Gracelaced. I have also bought some of her note cards. What a joy they are to send.


Vee said...

Oh I shall have to look into this!

Tanya @ Ever After Cottage said...

My oldest daughter gave me her book Gracelaced for Christmas. I love it. :)

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