I follow Ruth Chou Simons on Instagram. She's a beautiful artist, wife, mother of six boys. She shares her art and life and truth of God's goodness through her Instagram account and in her art. Her website is Gracelaced.
I pre-ordered her latest book and I've been enjoying it since it released.
"Something will shape us and form us into who we become--it can either be the truth of God's Word or our own feelings. Let it be His truth that transforms us."
I needed to hear this today, and probably need that reminder on a weekly basis.
Her work is so beautiful.
Good reminder! Psalms 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be exceptable in thy sight O Lord.."
Beautiful quote. Such truth.
Beautiful! Yes, we are shaped by our experiences and God’s grace though them....
I'll have to look her up!
I love Grace's artwork. I don't have this book, but I have her other one---Gracelaced. I have also bought some of her note cards. What a joy they are to send.
Oh I shall have to look into this!
My oldest daughter gave me her book Gracelaced for Christmas. I love it. :)
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