Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Wedding Planning

Over the years I’ve helped with quite a few weddings, and with my daughters’ and son’s weddings I coordinated the whole things as well.  I’ve done everything from flowers to decor for the ceremony or the reception or both.  The pastor who married Nate and Kay said I could do it professionally.  (Grin)

Our friends Silas and Quinn are getting getting married in May and for the last year I’ve been coordinating this wedding, since we are friends of both the bride and grooms families.

Plans have been made, meetings have taken place, the wedding gown purchased, bridal party clothes ordered and received, caterer hired, church scheduled.

Yesterday we met with the caterer at the venue, and discussed the reception layout; where will the food table be, the dance floor, the tables for guests.  This is going to be a big wedding. 

Today is all about flowers.  The bride, her mother, and I are going to a wholesale florist warehouse to let the bride see the flowers in person, and decide what she wants.  We already have an idea, she loves romantic flowers, and we know the colors of the wedding, but it helps to actually see them and perhaps find flowers you didn’t know about before.

If you like weddings you can use the search box on my blog and put in weddings, you'll see lots of posts about my kids weddings, a few friends' weddings, and nephews and nieces, but also some weddings that I have coordinated. 

ps. I thought I had posted this yesterday, but it kept it in draft. 


Cheryl said...

So now you have a career possibility for your post-homeschooling years? You have helped to coordinate some lovely weddings!

Rebecca said...

I'm sure you would be as sought out "professionally" as you are currently! The couple and their families are blessed to have you in their circle of friendship ♥

podso said...

I have coordinated a couple of weddings--it's a lot of work, and I don't think I had to do as much as you do. Maybe you should consider that as a second or third career after your homeschooling years are finished. Our large church has one sort of on staff--those married in the church are supposed to use her. But it seems like young brides choose wedding venues rather than a church to be married in these days. Your kids' pictures are lovely!

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