Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 30, 2018

Sunday Concert

After church, we went to lunch with friends, then home for a few hours before we left to go to a Rend Collective concert!  Rachel, my mom and I have seen them four times - the first time with Chris Tomlin when they were his opening act.

Last night Tim, Sarah (who has been one other time) and my dad went with us, along with a friend.

We like them a lot.  They are Irish, high energy, and they have a true heart for the gospel.  Their songs have truth in their lyrics too.  We are all words people, being big readers, and the lyrics are important to us.

Tim and I enjoy a concert very differently.  The girls asked if he liked the concert, (they had sat with friends down on the ground level, so they could jump, and we sat in the balcony so we could see!) and he said that he really did.  

I laughed and said, "You'd never know it.  I was singing, clapping, raising my hands, and you were not."  We all laughed, and he said, "Well, I was doing all that on the inside!"  That is true!  He is more reserved outwardly, its his nature.  But he really did like them.

We both thought that the opener, and then the presentation for World Vision that happened before Rend Collective were playing on your emotions, but Rend Collective is not that way.

They also don't end the concert with cheers for themselves.  They purposely plan an encore, do about three more of their own songs and then go into some quiet worship music with just guitar, and by the time the last song is done, they've quietly left the stage.

They're a group I'll pay to go worship with again and again! 


Vee said...



Brief... I can be.

Linda said...

I’ve not heard of this group but we love Irish music!
I sponsored a child through World the time I was teaching a children’s Sunday School class and we adopted John Nkutu who was in the second grade at the time we sent packages as well as the monthly support all the way through graduation and he sent us letters. I continued the support even after I no longer taught the class and later supported one of his sisters.its such a good organization,

Debby Ray said...

I have not heard of this group before. I clicked on your video and I'm sure I would enjoy them. And you are right, lyrics are important!

Kim said...

What a fun night! I’m looking forward to some summer concerts. Warm weather and music are the best!

Cheryl said...

I am smiling at your description of yourself and Tim at the concert! We all have different styles don't we? I love you two!

The main thing is this: "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him." That is where the lyrics come into play . . . worshiping "in truth."

Sandi said...

Sounds fun!

I can relate to worshipping inwardly. :)

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