Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 16, 2018

Holding Plans Loosely

Friday and Saturday were lovely days.  Warm and sunny, we had the doors and windows open.  By Saturday night a cold front moved through and Sunday was rainy, windy and cold.  A forty degree drop in temperature from Saturday to Sunday.  Crazy spring 2018.

I woke up Saturday with a plan to sew for the grandgirlies.  I have a fabric stash that I'd like to use up, and I thought making some simple peasant dresses would be a fun way to do it.  Peasant dresses are cute and if you make them a bit shorter, they can be a peasant top, that the girls can wear with shorts.  Win - win as my friend Linda would say. (grin)

My weekend actually took a turn mid-morning when my friend needed a ride to the ER.  She's fine, and we were grateful for that news.  

 After our church fellowship meal yesterday, a few of us ladies went to visit our friend who had a miscarriage last week.  Our friend married into an Amish family, and her husband had called a let us know that Katie would love a visit from us.  We spent several hours there in the afternoon.  I hadn't visited for a while so I was glad to see them and love on her.

 I arrived home to the young adults gathered in the house, playing games, and eating pizza.  

Sorry for the poor photo quality.  I took these later in the evening after a few friends had left already.  

I've learned over the years, to hold my plans lightly in my hands.  To be flexible, I do pretty well, but not always.  I was very glad to have been able to be used by God this weekend to help my friends.

I'm going to take the kids with me to run errands (I have the grands here today), then because its rainy, we'll stop at CFA, see Rachel, get a treat, play in the playplace, and then come home.

I hope you have a great day!


Sylvia said...

Your weather sounds like mine here in Georgia.

podso said...

And we need flexibility with this weather too. It's cold and windy here today after warm and humid and tornadoes yesterday.

Vee said...

What a switch in the weather! Boo hiss. We have a week of this nightmare. The boys are on
spring vacation so the disappointment runs high. Many plans have had t be changed. Guess
we all need to receive our days with light hands. I just hope that The Lord doesn’t want me
to clean the attic. There’s nothing good up there! ☺️

Tanya @ Ever After Cottage said...

It's been SUCH a cold spring! I woke up this morning to icicles on the tree outside the bedroom window, and it's been raining and icing all day. It's supposed to warm up overnight though, and much of our snow is gone, especially on all the south facing slopes. I look forward to seeing what you sew. I'm working through my fabric stash also. So many things I kept for too long that need to become something useful. :)

Cheryl said...

It was a startling change as we headed out on Sunday morning! What happened to Spring?! (I am not complaining. I'll be complaining about the heat and humidity soon enough.)

I think you have hit upon a key to contentment: holding loosely . . . whether it be our time, our plans, our possessions . . .

Theresa said...

We have been teased with Spring several times, each time I say that I think it is here to stay... NOT! Anyway, I love seeing all of your springy pics:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

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