Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Simple Living

Life doesn't always feel simple around here with owning our own business, and having a preteen and teenagers.  

Here is a typical day for me.

I get up.  Make my bed.  Read.  Eat breakfast.  Homeschool. Keep the house tidy.  Write reports for the business.  Cook dinner.  Help clean up.  Watch a movie or read.  Go to bed, sometimes late if Rachel closes at her job, since I always wait up for her.

Simple right?

Some days, errands would be added to that list, or meetings for planning a wedding, or event.  Sometimes, I watch my granddaughters, while my dil works.

Many would say that my life isn't simple, but I do.  I get to base all my work out of my home.  I get to spend my days with my kids, walking alongside them as they grow.  We laugh a lot.  We talk about books. 

 I cook simple, but healthy meals.  I know how to make jam, but don't often do it.  I know how to can, but again, its not something that's regularly done here. 

 I haven't sown regularly since my girls got older, but I am going to be doing some sewing for my granddaughters.  I knit.

I garden, but the last few years we've not grown our own veggies.  We support our neighbors produce stand.

The kids often help their dad with his work, andsometimes get to spend the day with him.  What a great way to get work experience.  

We have chickens.  I enjoy them and give them treats.  They give us eggs, daily, so I like to reward them.  We also have horses.  Tim or Kyle mostly feed them, morning and evening.

 I think simple living is a mindset.  We are simple people who enjoy living life together.  We support each other, encourage each other, worship God together.  We work together for our living, but also to host people in our home.

Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men."  Seems pretty simple to me.


Debby Ray said...

Well, I for one think your life sounds very comfortable. What a blessing to be able to do it all while staying at home. That sounds pretty good to me! Your chickens are beautiful...I cannot wait to get me some!

Cheryl said...

I like the quote you included at the end of this post. ". . . small everyday deeds of ordinary folk . . . " Sounds simple to me too!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

It sounds to me as though these days are filled with such goodness, giving, kindness, thoughtfulness and worthwhile work doing so much for others. How very rewarding and comforting as well. Such sweet photos too!

Kim said...

It all sounds wonderful. We're simple people too. Busy, but simple and home is the heart of it all...

podso said...

That's a wonderful quote and I totally agree!

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