Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 20, 2018

Little Book Lover

One of our goals as parents was to help our children to become good readers.  We had several main reasons which are:

1. We are big readers and know the pleasure of well written books.

2. It is my belief, that if you can read well, you can teach yourself anything.

This desire to pass along a love of reading is extended to my grandchildren.  We encourage a love of reading/books by reading to them, and buying them their own books.

I have books here at the Cottage, that are just for them, even the toddlers.  Klaire loves to get these books out everytime she's here.  She also gets into my books, but it is a training process - "Not those books, these are YOUR books!"

I got a few cute photos of her yesterday.

Have you seen these Baby Lit books?


They are really cute, I bought Klaire and Isla, Pride and Prejudice and Little Women.  Lindsay found cute sets of them for the girls at Christmas.

We still buy our adult children books, too!  They always have books on their lists of ideas for Christmas gifts and birthdays. I hope you buy your children and grandchildren books. A love of books and reading is an gift that keeps on giving for a lifetime.


Vee said...

Adorable to see your erudite little grandgirlie enjoying her books. 🙂

Cheryl said...

I love the photos of your little book-loving girlie!!

Yes, I have seen that series of board books based on literary classics! Kristin has given them with baby shower/new baby gifts! They're great!

That is one of the things that I miss the most about having all older children . . . reading picture books together. I do read to my grandchildren from time to time, but their parents are also book-loving and read often to them. So when they are here, they'd rather play with their cousins!

Sherry said...

well isn't she a doll baby! ♥

podso said...

When I was growing up I got a lot of books at Christmas. It seems my parents and grandparents did too as many of their books that I have have inscripted in them a Christmas date. The photos are adorable!

Rebecca said...

What precious photos!
No, I've not seen those Baby Lit books. What a splendid idea...
I so agree with your reasons for wanting our children and grands to read.
Books = lifetime learning ♥

Theresa said...

SWEET picture of Klaire reading, precious:) I buy lots of books for everyone, perfect gift that keeps on giving! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Awww Klaire is adorable, and I loved seeing her "reading" her books. No, I haven't heard of Baby Lit books, but I will need to look into those. Thank You!

Kim said...

Cute babies and books...nothing better!

Louca por porcelana said...

How adorable!

Margie said...

I'm in total agreement that it's never too early to instill the love of reading in kids. My godson is only 2 years old, but I always gift him with books. The baby lit series are too cute.

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