Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Visit With Friends!

I'm going to share some photos with you and see if you can guess who I got to visit with on Saturday!

If you guessed Cheryl from Thinking About Home, you'd be correct!

We had a great day!  Tim and I had a three hour drive to their home, and we do love a road trip together!

Cheryl and I planned a tour of The Pineapple House, (which two years after their move from the Farmhouse, I still hadn't seen!) and a catch up visit.  Then we went out for lunch and some shopping.  We've shopped together when they come to Lancaster, but I'd never gotten to go to some of their favorite places to shop in their home area.

We had a lovely lunch at a cafe, then went to a used bookstore and then an antique store.  I found books for myself and Sarah, and then I found a great teacup at the antique store!  I'm sharing that tomorrow.

The only issue we had was that it was hot and humid, and these kinds of stores often don't have great a/c.  I was dripping with sweat at the antique store. Not very ladylike, you know!  I cooled off eventually but my poor hair was never the same, ha ha!

We took this photo right before we left to head home, after dinner.

I'm so thankful for these wonderful friends!  Blogging has brought kindred spirits and many 'sisters' to my life.  I'm grateful.

Thank you Ron and Cheryl, for a great visit.  Thanks too, Kati and Bekah for being so sweet and welcoming.  I hope we see you soon!

ps - If you live in the EU would you let me know if you can see the notice about the privacy act?  Thanks!


Estelle's said...

Looks like y'all had a lovely visit....just wonderful!

Cheryl said...

Oh, Deanna, it was absolutely our pleasure!! We had such a wonderful time visiting with you and Tim!! It was a day for the memory books!! said...

How nice that you could get together! Her house reminds me of Colonial Williamsburg!

Vee said...

So happy that you had this opportunity to spend time together. Love the photo of the four of you!

May I ask what a privacy act is on your blog?

podso said...

I can guess! Glad you had a good time!

Debby Ray said...

What a cool way to lead up to your revealing who you visited with...especially if one hadn't already seen it on! I do love her home! How wonderful it was for the both of you to visit with one another. Enjoy your week!

Kim said...

How fun! I just spent the afternoon with a blogging friend and it was lovely. You are right the connections made are precious.

Linda said...

A perfect visit!!!

Home Keeping

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