Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday Five

Welcome to Friday Five a list of random things.

1. I spent a lovely afternoon journaling.

2. This little one enjoying a waffle fry at Chick-fil-A.

3. Fun with a box.

4. I bought one of these roses at a local garden shop.  This one isn't mine, but I can't wait until mine blooms!

'Princess Alexandra of Kent' - a very photogenic rose with large deeply cupped flowers

5. Wedding Flowers.  I pick up the order of flowers for the wedding on Wednesday, and then we put them together on Thursday.

crimson and pink wedding bouquet

Next week will be busy, but I hope to pop in here at least a few times during the week!

Happy Weekend!


Sandi said...

Haha! Boxes are more fun than the toys that come in them. :)

Cheryl said...

I see a lot of pink and sweetness in your "Five" today!! Happy weekend to you!!

podso said...

I'm really taken by that page in your journal. Such beauty. I'm sure it helped inspire your writing!

podso said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I have such fond memories of Stephanie and a couple of her friends making the bridal bouquets for her wedding. She and Elisabeth helped make bouquets for Sarah's wedding in Oxford. Those are beautiful. Love the color combinations.

Rebecca said...

Flowers abound (not as random afterall)!
I jump-started my weekend by playing duets with my friend Donna for the "program" at a special ladies' event this morning. The morning was lovely from decorations to food to making new friends around our table. Weather turned unseasonably cool. Wonder what tomorrow will bring!

Patti said...

Your journal page is gorgeous.

Theresa said...

Looks like you had lots of fun this week:) Enjoy your day dear friend and Happy Mother's Day! HUGS!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Happy Mother's Day, Deanne! Big hugs! Hope all goes well with the wedding - I loved your random fives. xxoo

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Such beautiful photos!!! Wishing you a beautiful week ahead. Your journal page is quite lovely!

Home Keeping

  These photos are real life. The drill from hanging the curtain rod up is still on the hutch, you can see the bag we put the aluminum cans ...