Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Home Keeping: Catching Up

Do you find that when you have something big going on, that other things fall to the wayside?

Yesterday, I had to go for groceries, and while I was gone, Kyle mowed and Sarah did a deeper cleaning in the bathrooms.  Today, I have to go to the laundry mat and wash 25 tablecloths, dry and fold them, and repack them into the plastic lidded tubs.  

Then we really should do some weedding in the cottage garden, and I need to finish painting the lower cupboards in the kitchen.  With our open floorplan, when the grands are here, I cannot do things like paint.  This is the only day this week that they will not be here, so the painting must get done.  If I can, I'll do the upper cabinets today, too.

We've finished school for the year, so I need to prepare all our paperwork and get next years information along with this years evaluations turned in to the school district.

Emma's due date is this Friday, and after she has the baby we'll be going south to help them move, and see our grandson!

It's begun to rain again, so maybe no weeding for today, we'll see how long it lasts.


Vee said...

Oh! I had not realized how soon the new baby was coming. Very exciting times. 🤱🏻

Wedding preps and clean-up are intense I would imagine. Have you seen that app for planning weddings? I digress. Glad that you have a crew who helps...

Rhonda said...

How exciting - a new baby coming! You will have so much fun enjoying the new little one. And you do a beautiful job with weddings and get togethers of all kinds. I have no talent in that area but love seeing your beautiful talent and the joy you get out of it! The home keeping will always be there - it never seems to go away!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Yes...we are in a busy s3ason brcause of graduation. Things fell to the wayside for sure . Habe a good week.

Lorrie said...

Catching up with home-keeping is almost always needed here after a major, or minor event. Sounds like you have some great helpers. You must be very excited about the new arrival.

Cheryl said...

That seems to be the theme of my life: catching up! I love Elisabeth Elliot's reminder to "Do the next thing."

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...