Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 25, 2018

Tasha Tudor Books

Yesterday, I took the kids (Kyle, the grands, and a friend) to the library.  Kyle found what he wanted, I found a few books to read, the girls played in the very nice playroom, while the boys played chess.

I always check out the library used bookstore.  Yesterday, I found treasure!  Four books about Tasha Tudor for $4.00 a book!

Funny thing is that one of the books I had checked out was Tasha's Garden.  Needless to say, I returned it since I now own my own copy!

Tasha was an interesting person.  She made the life she wanted, and said she considered her art as commercial art, since she made her living from it.  Her biggest love was her garden, home, and animals.  

Are you a fan of Tasha's art?  


Cheryl said...

Now THAT was a fnd!! Yes, I love Tasha's art. I have several children's books that she wrote and/or illustrated and they are treasures.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love Tasha's books. I had a couple and then a friend sent me a few extra that she was getting rid of when she downsized her books. :)

Vee said...

Yes, I like her art and I admire her, though many of her philosophies are contrary to my own. I wonder how the library came to sell them...perhaps they had plenty of copies. You did hit treasure. 🙂

Mrs.T said...

Yes! I am very much a fan of Tasha's art and own a number of her books, including a very old copy of Pumpkin Moonshine, which I have had since childhood. Sometime I would love to visit her farm in Vermont.

Rhonda said...

What a wonderful find! I have a small handful of Tasha Tudor books and I love her art work!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

What a deal. I'd love to have one of her books.

Rebecca said...

I have one of those....That WAS a great find!

Theresa said...

SCORE! I am not familiar with Tasha Tudor! Beautiful books too and at a great price! Have a blessed day dear friend! I have been SO busy and am trying to catch up with my blog buddies:)

podso said...

You did score four treasures! You can share them around with younger folks and keep her story alive! said...

Yes, very nice art and a simple country life that she led. We were able to see her way back in the 90's in Columbus, Ohio. It was the Home and Flower Garden show and she was there to showcase her art!

Heather said...

Oh what a fantastic find! I am such a big fan of tasha tudor, and she inspires me so much as an artist. What a great treasure trove!

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