Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

In The Middle Of A Busy Week

A misconception I used to have is that as my kids got older and left the home, I would be less busy.  So far that is not true.

This week my granddaughters will be here four times, we are in the last few weeks of school, we have our year end evaluations on Friday, and I have wedding work today.  

Tim and I are taking my parents out for dinner tonight, since their birthdays are May 5th and May 15th. We are taking them to a nice Irish pub we like, that they've never been to before.  My mom always says that you don't need to buy us gifts, so we decided that dinner out on us would be our gift to them this year!

Yesterday was the warmest day we've had and the evening was perfect weather.  While Tim and the kids washed cars, I did some repotting of some plants, and cleaning out old pots to get them ready for new plants.

I need to get plants for the deck now that I am sure we are past a freeze!  Of course with the weird weather we've had, as my Grandma Lily used to say, "You just don't never know!"

I've gained a bit of my weight loss back, but I am really working to eat on plan, as I really want to kick back into weight loss.  I need to get consistent in working out as well.

Happy Wednesday!


Patti said...

Both of my parents have May birthdays too---the 9th and the 29th. Their anniversary is also in May. Taking your parents out for dinner is a lovely way to celebrate them. Have a great time.
I think you look great! You rock those glasses.

Have a fantastic day,

Cheryl said...

I have found that too. Life has not slowed down yet!

Doesn't it feel good to have green things?! We bravely planted a few things this week too. I sure hope that we are past the possibility of a freeze. Ron used to have a co-worker who always said, "We never have snow after April 15th." I wonder what his cut-off date was for freezing weather. :) I think we're safe though.

Debby Ray said...

I don't think I ever remember a time when I wasn't working on my eating plan...LOL! Oh least I never give up!

Linda said...

We seem to stay busy no matter what! Just this morning Louis Dean said it beats sitting around getting old with nothing to do!

Rebecca said...

You ARE busy!
We are happily occupied here, too.
Today is OUTDOOR work - I've dug some dandelions, Dad and Gary are working to repair a small structure for our sweet neighbor. They will stop in time to clean up and Gary and I will visit an ailing friend before a light supper and Wed. night prayer meeting.
I, too, hope to work up to walking a bit further than the post office and back! Couldn't wait for fairer weather. Now have no excuse :)

kozimom said...

My oldest daughter, her husband, and my two grandchildren are here for 3 weeks plus all the family get togethers to visit them; then a graduation party celebrating my son's completion of Mother's Day and Father's Day! Ai, ai, ai! I hear ya about being busy!!
I also gained a bit of weight back because it was hard to stick to THM with get togethers happening all the time! I got lazy, and didn't bring on plan treats with me. I thought that once in a while would be ok, but it turned into weekly. Lately, I've been making sure to bring on plan treats, and weight is going down again! Phew! I'm sure that will happen to you, too!

Sylvia said...

I love to "eat" so our children have learned to give us gift cards to restaurants for our special day! So happy Spring is here with weather so I can get outside and plant new flowers.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...