Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Screen Door

You all loved my screen door so much yesterday that I thought I'd tell you a little about it.

We had white pretty screen doors on the front door and here on the kitchen door that we purchased from Lowes.  They are reasonably priced, and made mostly of pvc.  The front screen door is still in fine shape, as that door is opened but not used much.

This kitchen door is the door we use all the time, even by our guests.  The other screen door did not last with all that use.  We had planned to replace it with another, but winter came and we did not hurry to do it.

One day, as spring was coming on, I happened to be driving home, and along the side of the road in a pile of free items was this door.  I turned the van around and went back, certain it must be broken.  It wasn't it.  I couldn't believe it.

I packed it into the van and brought it home.  Its made of much sturdier stuff and I love that you can see all the way to the floor.  My grandbabies like that, too.  Klaire loves to stand at the door and look out at the chickens or the cat.

Its very common for people to put items out for free.  Is it common where you live?


Theresa said...

I love your screen door, it is the same as mine on my little cottage out back! FREE is good and yes we have free items on the side of the road too! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

How wonderful! God knows just what is needed or desired. My neighbor put out some vintage chairs last week...the kind people use in gardening because they’re not good for sitting. I briefly considered them, but someone else got the blessing.

Kim said...

I love curbside finds. They are the best! Your door is super charming. We have a very similar one on my porch. Fun...

podso said...

That's a great find. Even the handle is pretty.

Ginny said...

What a lovely screen door! I don't think I've ever seen one like that. Most of what I see on the side of the roads here is broken. You really need to get out the night before garbage pickup, I think, but since there are at least three different companies that collect garbage, that would be a lot of driving around to find a gem.

Sylvia said...

Love your screen door, I had one similar once
1 have found lots of great stuff beside the road for free.

Rebecca said...

Yay for you! Free is ALWAYS a great way to find what you need! This one is SO lovely. Happy for your, Deanna!

Debby Ray said...

Wow...those are my kind of deals! Only a few times have I ever gotten something really good in a "junk" pile. Lucky you!

Sherry said...

i have to say something...
i'm SOOO thrilled and proud of you - you ditch dived for goods!
we're like sisters. feeling very proud. very. and i love the door. a friend
of mine just bought a vintage trailer boasting a very similar looking
screen door. i think she bought the trailer for the door alone. ♥

Cheryl said...

Great find, Deanna!! Ron finds things all. the. time. I'll say, "Where in the world did you get that ?" And he'll say, "At the recycle" or "On the side of the road" or "In the break room" or "So-and-so was getting rid of it." Me? I never find things! He says I don't look. :)

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