Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 21, 2018

Scenes From A Wedding

There was an amazing wedding on Saturday.  A beautiful bride and and a handsome groom committing themselves to one another.

Memorial candle in memory of grandparents who are no longer here....

The brides Grandma

The groom's sisters getting their hair done.

Beautiful sisters

A good portion of my job on wedding day, before the wedding, was to problem solve, curl the mother of the brides hair, and to wrangle bridesmaids, who were here, there, and everywhere.

Little things happen to mess up a wedding day timeline, such as some family running late, needing help with hair, and rain.  Lots of rain.  The rain changed the plan from photos at a park, but we did get a break in the rain and the photographer was able to take the bride and bridesmaids outside for some photos. I can't wait to see those. We actually started on time, too!

Photos finally finished, and the bride and her bridesmaids, hidden away.  After fixing a corsage (the main rose broke its stem on a corsage for a grandma.  I used small pins to put it together again, and then wrapped it tightly with floral tape! It held!), and encouraging people to take their seats, I popped into the nursery where the bridal party was waiting.  I found this.

 A sweet moment with the brides' mother praying, with the girls and the grooms' mother.  The photographer was elsewhere, so I snapped a few photos to capture the moment.

The out in the lobby, I found this.  
 The father of the bride praying with the groom (on the left) and the brother of the bride.  Sweet moments.

Pretty bridesmaids all in a row - and a sweet flower girl!

Image may contain: 7 people, people on stage and indoor

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing

At the rehearsal the night before, I told them that the rehearsal would take longer than the wedding itself, and that was so true!  

Then it was on to the reception!  While the bridal party and families were getting their photos done, the guests were treated to appetizers.  Then the bridal party introductions, the first dance, and dinner.

The centerpieces were cylinders and jars with faux rose petals and floating candles.

The groom is a musician and wrote the song that he and his bride danced too, and her wrote the song for the mother/son dance.  The bride and her father danced to a tear inducing song.  Many sweet tears were shed during these dances.  

When all these things were done, the dancing began!

Everyone had a great time.

I have no photos of the bridal send off.  It was sweet, and there were bubbles for all!  I think the photos will be amazing.

Then clean up began.

The great thing about this group of people, whom I am blessed to know, is that everyone pitched in and everything was done in record time!

We came home and I put my feet up, at ice cream, and went to bed.

It was a blessing to help this young couple have a beautiful wedding, to help create memories that will last their lifetime.  What an absolute gift.

I wanted to show you what I did with the bit of flowers and greens left over from the wedding.

I'll get to enjoy this loveliness for a week at least!  It will be a beautiful reminder of this sweet day.


Cheryl said...

Such sweet scenes!! I know it was a beautiful day. I am sure that you feel privileged to play a part in this happy beginning!

Vee said...

What a nice way to begin a life together...

Kim said...

What a lovely way to spend a rainy day. ;) When I look at that lovely couple all I think is look how young they are...I guess we all were that young, but it seems so long ago now. Congratulations to them!

Lorrie said...

A lovely wedding day that you helped put together. May the young couple look with confidence to the future.

podso said...

the flowers look beautiful. Looks like it went well in spite of the rain.

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