Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 12, 2019

Friday Five - Deck Plants Edition

This five is about potted plants on my deck, and one plant growing up around the deck.

1. My parents bought Sarah a mini rose bush for her graduation.  She put it out on the deck and it began to not do well.  We deadheaded it and watered, and God has been watering it, and today I noticed a lovely bud and more on the way!

2. Lorrie had asked me if these Dianthus had the lovely fragrance that many of them have.  I checked this morning and the answer is no.  They are very pretty flowers with ruffled edges and dark coloring with white edges, but no real fragrance.

3. My sweet little cherry tomato plant is flourishing and ripening up one by one.  I've already harvested about 8 tomatoes from this plant.  And yes, they are very small tomatoes!

3. I shared my Rudbeckia Golden Glow on Instagram this week.  She is such a lovely flower, and they grow tall so they are perfect around my deck!

5. The only problem is that when it rains hard, they have a tendency to get knocked over.  I'll need to go out and tie them up to the deck railing.

That's it for this week.  As you can see the sun is shining here today.  We had strong thunderstorms move through twice yesterday and very heavy rain.  A local creek is up into the farm fields but hasn't reached the road yet, and likely won't.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Cheryl said...

I'm glad that Sarah's rose bush was saved! We had a drenching rain last night too. It's nice when God waters!

Linda said...

Everything looks so pretty! I rescued a tiny rose bush several years ago while waking around the neighborhood one morning. It was trash day and someone had tossed it out. I brought it home and planted it in the bed around the back fountain. Would you believe it lives still? Always has a tiny little bloom in the spring and summer......

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I have had trouble getting the small rose bushes to stay alive. They are beautiful enough for a temporary delight, though. Let us know if it becomes healthy again through the summer.

Buttercup said...

Love seeing all of your flowers. So sorry I didn't plan better to get to see you last week. Definitely need another visit to Liditz.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I have enjoyed your deck five today. Everything looks so pretty. I am especially drawn to your Rudbeckia -- the Golden Glow looks so very cheery and bright. A real asset in any garden.

Wishing you a beautiful day...

Tea and Friendship

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