Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Peach Season

Que Andy Williams singing "It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!"

Freestone peaches are now in season in Pennsylvania!  

One of the first to ripen are ripen are Red Haven, my favorite.  

Growing up in California, I never knew just how many varieties of peaches there were in the world.  So delicious.  I love many different varieties, Red Haven, Sunhigh, John Boy, Flaming Fury!

You can see a list of varieties and approximate ripening dates {here}.  

Once peach season is over, it is Autumn, so peach season makes me happy for that reason, too, but we won't speak of that quite yet. {wink}

Do you like freestone peaches?  Do you have a favorite recipe you make using peaches?  I usually just slice them up to eat, sometimes with cottage cheese or yogurt, and I have made jam before, too.  I'd love to hear your favorite way to enjoy them.

My brother and his family leave tomorrow, and I am taking them to return their rental car and to get some lunch before heading to the airport.  We'll miss them, and have enjoyed our time together.  I'm so thankful they got to visit DC, and Lititz, and enjoy all the favorite places around here.

See you Friday, friends!


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

We've been enjoying the peach season too. Yes, we like freestone especially -- I love cutting a circle around the peach and then gently twisting the two sides in half. Slicing them and eating them with cream is a favourite way, otherwise, just eating them fresh, all juicy and sweet.

Vee said...

True confession: I only like canned peaches. It’s a texture thing. Now I adore fresh pears, which are also coming into season. I can happily eat them with juice dripping from my chin.

Debby Ray said...

Oh my gosh...those look SO good!

podso said...

Had our first for lunch and headed out to get more later this week. Tis the season! Beautiful photo!

Theresa said...

We just finished a case of peaches, GEORGIA peaches:) That's the only kind we get. I know you enjoyed having your family visiting with you and I know you hate to see them leave. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I remember that you love peaches!! They are so good. I made a batch of peach scones this week, expecting guests. The guests had to cancel, but Bekah and I polished off those scones! (It took us a few days . . . but not as long as it should have taken. Yikes.)

Estelle's said...

It's just not Summer without a fresh peach cobbler....over ice cream!

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