Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Update on Ada


Ada's transfer yesterday went smoothly and she is settled in at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.  Thank you for your prayers.

From Oakley - 

"Her night was uneventful...mostly monitoring, collecting lots of bloodwork, and forming a plan.  Can I just say how quickly they work there and how amazing their communication is?? The overnight physician literally spent an hour on FaceTime with me when he was bedside with Ada...talking through his exam, explaining their concerns and tentative plan.  Did my momma's heart so good."

Today they work to get Ada a more stable access point for her IV antibiotics - she'll be getting a new central line.

Oakley sent me these photos to share with you all.

I love this photo with her sweet dolly baby with her.  

They are so grateful for your prayers.  In an update from yesterday, the bloodwork showed that one of the bacteria cultures had stopped growing!  Good news!  

She has a long path ahead, even if they clear all the infection.  But Cincinnati Children's Hospital is where all three of the medically fragile children were headed later this month for an appointment with a specialist team dealing with intestinal issues.  I'm sure the appointment will still happen.  We're still praying for Oakley and the other kids to be able to head there as soon as possible and have a place to stay, so Oakley can spend time with Ada everyday.


Vee said...

Awwww...sweet baby...God love her and heal her. I see the concern etched on the adults’ much to think about, but it is all beyond us so we give it all to The Lord. It is the highest thing we can do. Praying for Ada and her family. May the answers come!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

What a sweety. Will be praying!

Cheryl said...

Continuing to pray for this dear family . . .

podso said...

Sweet baby. I'm so glad mom got to be a part of the doc's visit and discussion. Technology is amazing. Have a happy 4th!

Theresa said...

Prayers continue for this sweet angel! Bless her family and all who are caring for her! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS across the miles!

Kim said...

What a sweet baby. No child should ever have to suffer like this...prayers...

Sandi said...

Did they say how she got the infection?

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...