Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tea On Tuesday

I haven't done a Tea On Tuesday post in some time, so I thought I would show you my new/old teacup.

 Isn't she lovely?  There is a story behind this teacup.  Many years ago, my great aunt gave me a teacup just like this from her collection.  It meant so much to me, that she'd give me one of her teacups.  

Several years later I used it for a tea at my church, and in the clean up process this cup got broken.  It made me sad, but teacups are just things, so life went on.

 The other morning I woke early and saw that there were some new things similar to things I'd looked at before on FB Marketplace.  I clicked and there were a collection of teacups for sale. I have a lot and don't really need more at this time, but there was this 'Florida Oranges' by Elizabethan in the group.

I contacted the seller to see if they were still available, and when they were I asked if they'd consider selling me just the one.  They agreed!

The price was very reasonable, and I would have paid more since it has sentimental value to me.

I did a porch pick up yesterday, and brought her home.

I'm happy to have a tangible reminder of my great aunt, again, and to have it be this beauty is very sweet.


Linda said...

That’s a truly precious tea cup!

Elizabethd said...

How lovely that you found the perfect piece to remind you of your Great Aunt.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh, that's just beautiful. A Providential Hand in all that, I'd say. All because He knew how much it meant to you! So pleased. And what a lovely cup and saucer it is, too!

Happy tea drinking...
Brenda xox

Kim said...

It's really beautiful!! I love it.

Cheryl said...

What a lovely story to go with your tea cup!! It is quite pretty!!

e l i z a b e t h ♡ said...

Such a pretty teacup...and a sweet story too! I'm glad you were able to replace such a special part of your teacup collection. And this one looks just perfect for summertime with the oranges. ♥

Tea and Friendship

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