Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Home Keeping: Real Life

Good Morning!  In my ongoing quest to keep things real around here, I thought I'd show you some photos of my living room/kitchen this morning.

The kitchen is not too bad.  Dishes that dried overnight and will be put away today, this is normal for us.  We rarely wash, dry, put away.  Usually we load the dishwasher, hand wash items, and allow them to dry on the counter and then put away later.  Unless we are having company.    The other counter has paper plates, and someone has crumpled a grocery bag and tucked it in by the jar with coffee pods!

We are showing a friend episodes of Downton Abbey weekly so they will know what's going on when we all go see the Downton movie in September.  

Pillows that were moved, a throw blanket...Watson doesn't seem to mind does he?

The side table next to my usual seat.  Physical therapy papers, a deck of cards from playing Go Fish with Kamryn on Sunday, and earbuds.

And just to keep it really real - on the coffee table are Amazon purchases that our friend made (he's on the road during the week so his packages come here) rice socks and towels for heat for my back and hips, a plastic tub with all kinds of fun kid activities.  We got this out of the coffee table on Friday night when we had guests with preschoolers over.

It hasn't been put away yet, because I need to sort through the items stored in the coffee table to fit the tub back in, and right now its hard for me to sit on the floor.  The other plastic bin on the floor holds family photos.  I was looking through that one for a certain photo the other night, and it is stored on a high shelf in my closet.  I must get one of the kids or Tim to put it away and I forgot to ask.  Later today it will be done.

Oh, and those are my shoes!  

None of this is a big mess and will only take minutes to tidy, but yesterday was a PT session (rather than just the exercises at home) and I was very sore all day.  I did get to the post office, the bank and get Sarah to and from work, but other wise I put heat on my back and hips, and read and watched a few shows.

The physical therapy is working, I can tell the difference in my mobility, but the left hip/leg is super tight.  It'll take some time.

Oh and a happy update:  Sweet Ada is home!  We're all so thankful that God's plan for Ada was life!  She was gravely ill!  Her family are so thankful for your prayers, and I am, too!

Now, I must get tidying.  I need to take the van to get new front tires, and stop by our accountants office to pick up paperwork.

Have a HAPPY day, friends.


Elizabethd said...

Very thankful to hear about Ada.

Theresa said...

I love REAL LIFE photos. So often, everything looks staged:) Happy that your therapy is working and that ADA is doing good! So thankful for answered prayers! Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

Kim said...

I have some tidying to do, too. And happy news about Ada! said...

Yea, for keeping a container of children's toys handy! On another note, the photo box...I'm sorting through my photos and putting them in albums, what a chore; but I want them available for my grandsons to look through!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Thanks for sharing a slice of real home keeping in your part of the world. So glad to hear Ada is back home full of life.

Wishing you a beautiful day. Hope the soreness goes away soon.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I've been trying to get to the in-basket on my desk for ages. I did throw away junk mail, etc. a couple weeks ago but it still looks like the leaning tower of Pisa! Real life right beside the computer screen. Sigh.

Sherry said...

that's the thing about life. it's real. and not picture perfect. i look around my kitchen. yipes.

Lorrie said...

Real life homes tell the stories of the people who live there, as they should. I try to tidy up before going to bed each evening, but during the day the house is what it is.

Linda said...

I love being real! And I hope you are feeling better and better with each PT session!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Hurrah for real! These are signs of a happy home. Praying the PT will show great results. Hugs, Nancy

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...