Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 22, 2019

Garden: Late July

The weather is nicer today, so I ventured out early to check the garden, pull up a few weeds, trim a few spent flowers.

My David Austin rose has come back beautifully after I cut it way back due to black spot.  I'm going to be vigilant about it and spray if needed.

Isn't she lovely?

The bees and butterflies really like the echinacea.  In the early autumn the finches will take their turn with the seed heads.

 My large hydrangea has a few flowers this year.  I'm considering taking this one out, and replacing it with and Endless summer hydrangea that blooms on new wood.

This hydrangea only has two flowers on it.  Its smaller and I may be able to transplant it to a more sheltered spot.  We'll see.

My limelight hydrangea is amazing this year!

My Nigra Hollyhocks are going to seed.  If you'd like some, let me know and I'll be happy to send you some.  They are an old fashioned seed, that I got from Baker Creek.  

I love them and they are dramatic in the garden!

I'd love to hear about your garden.

I hope you all had a really good weekend.  We did.  Rachel came home for a two week visit on Saturday, we babysat Kaidence Saturday evening, had a great time at church yesterday.  The lunch at my parents house, with the kids and friends swimming.  Tim and I brought Klaire home with us and she took a good nap.  

Later, the kids and friends all came back to our house for the evening.  We had a crazy thunderstorm, which has helped to break the heat and humidity.  


Buttercup said...

Love all your flower pictures. I've got two pictures of Inverness in today's post that you might like.
Keep cool!

Merri Mc Elderry said...

Love this post of your glorious garden of Love.. I would love some seeds from the Hollyhocks... will send you a photo of my Willow House gardens.. had to give them up but have pot of beauties on balcony here. My address is : Merrilyn McElderry, 1170 Cannon Valley Place 44, Northfield , Mn . I will send you postage
by return mail.. I have had them and miss them love them.. many thanks , much love Merri

Vee said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Hope that Rachel has a great two weeks at home. Your cottage garden is completely charming!

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