Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 1, 2019

I'm Back With An Update On Ada

I never intended to take a blog break, but I did.  Monday afternoon our friends Rick and Jane arrived for a four day visit.  I was keeping a close eye on another friends' daughters' health crisis, and I have had a bad bout with sciatica.  

We also went to dinner, ran errands, ate good food at home, sat outside under the trees, watched Klaire chase fireflies.

Jane and I went to tea with a group of friends on Thursday, and then they left on Friday.

I spent the whole weekend doing things to help the sciatica and it is much better.  Tim and I both have appointments on Friday to see to annual things, and deal with nagging issues, like his knee.

I want to give an update on Ada.  They surgically removed her central line, under anesthesia, which is hard for her little body to handle.  She started to have complications due to that so the doctors at Dupont decided they needed to transfer her to a different hospital in order to give her a higher level of care.  They all decided on Cincinnati Children's.  She was to be airlifted, from the hospital by helicopter to the airport, get on a medical transport jet to Cincinnati, from that airport, airlift by helicopter to Cincinnati Children's.  All was set in motion, then the medical transport jet company wouldn't do anything until their insurance agreed to pay. (this is Friday, btw)  The hospital call Tricare (Ada's daddy is an Army chaplain) and tell them that if they don't approve it she could die and it basically would be because they delayed approval.  Approval was given and then the transport company again wouldn't do it because of what Tricare was willing to pay.  

Really?!!! You're going to let a three year old potentially die?  They didn't negotiate just said that the family would have to come up with $18,000 more dollars!  I'm still furious!

The hospital began trying to line up a new transport company (these are jets that have medical teams on them) but its the weekend and so Ada had to wait until today.  

Hopefully she'll soon be on her way to Cincinnati today!  Thank you for your prayers.  The family are also looking for a way for my friend Oakley and the other kids in the family (2 others are medically fragile, also) to be able to go to Cincinnati and stay so they can be close to Ada as well.  As of right now, Rusty (the daddy) is going with Ada.  

They've started a go fund me page Hope for Ada.

This weekend I had a lot of chatting with my daughters.  None of them were here in person, Lindsay lives 20 minutes away, Emma is in the Nashville area, Rachel at WOL, and Sarah was in South Carolina at a youth conference.  I'm thankful for Marco Polo (video chat), Facetime, and texting.  

I'm so thankful to be feeling better today, and hopeful for a PT referral and to get some ease of movement back in the hip flexors, and to deal with the sciatica, too.

Please pray still for wee Ada, and her sweet mama.  It will be hard for Oakley to remain here in Pennsylvania when Ada is airlifted to Cincinnati.  Pray for finances and for peace for the whole family.  God is already there in this moment and in the next one, too.  He's holding them in His arms knowing the plans for Ada.  Psalm 139:16 says, "All the days prepared for me were written in your book, before one of them came to be."

Before we were even born, He wrote out our days.

Much love to you all.


Kim said...

Well, that is just the most frustrating story. It's a sad state when dollars are more important than the life a child. I will continue to pray for her and her family. And I hope your sciatica continues to get better.

Cheryl said...

I am sorry to hear that your blog break included sciatic pain!! I was assuming that you were "summering" with friends and family . . . although it sounds like some of that was in the mix too! Praying that you and Tim both get some answers and help at your appointments this week.

I have been praying for Ada. What a messed up situation with transport and insurance and all of that. Where is the humanity in this system? It makes one feel helpless until you remember that God is sovereign and He will do what is best for His children. I will continue to pray for your friends. It would be incredibly hard to have your sick child far away from you, so my mama-heart goes out to Oakley.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Don't even get me started on insurance companies and other people who have no charity at all for those who are ill. It seems that everything is about money these days. I could tell stories... but I won't. Thankfully, prayer has been answered over and over. I pray for healing for Ada and that this setback has not hurt her chances of making a full recovery.

Linda said...

Oh, my! Loved the video of the sweet Klaire chasing the fireflies! Glad to hear you are feeling better and prayers that you continue to improve. I'm going to go back to the link about Ada now......

Vee said...

Praying for Ada. I was pleased to have the opportunity to give a little at the go fund me page. It is a privilege to help a little one so much in need. I can’t believe the run-around the family was given about transport. It’s just wrong. Yes, praying that they know God’s got this. Keep looking to The Lord.

I am glad that you are feeling better after taking good care of yourself over the weekend. You and Tim are doing the right thing getting some professional care for these concerns.

Claire is so cute chasing fireflies. I surely hope that she caught one or two or that Uncle Kyle did.

Elizabethd said...

That makes me very thankful for our Air Ambulance service here in Britain...funded by donations, not from the Govt, the helicopters fly sick people all over our country, taking them to hospitals, or acting as a rescue service.
Praying for little Ada.

Elizabethd said...

PS I have sent something from UK to the fund, but it was a little complicated due to the exchange. I do hope it gets there safely.

Terra said...

I am reading this in August and praying for Ada, her family and for healing for your sciatica.

Tea and Friendship

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