Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Basket For Blankets

For many years I've used a crate for our throw blankets.  Our small living room space doesn't give me room for a trunk, or something similar to store them in, and the crate just isn't large enough.

I decided I needed a nice looking basket and began to look at home stores.  The average price for the size I needed was more than I wanted to pay, but when my friend and I popped into Ross the other day, I found exactly what I was looking for and for half the price of other stores!

This basket is large, good looking and stores quite a few blankets.  My hope is that when people are done using them, they'll fold them and place them in the basket.  I mean, even if they don't fold them, they'll still look fine in this great basket.

Right?  Right!  

Well, I can hope that they'll get into the basket anyway.

What do you do about your throw blankets?


Vee said...

I do have a basket for blankets purchased from HL with birthday money. I find that rolling blankets allows me to get more of them in the basket. I could probably use two more blanket baskets. 😳 I don’t worry about collecting throws in the living room through the winter. I like to think that throws are artfully draped over the arms of the sofa or chairs. Ha! I like your basket. Does it fit under the cabinet?

Elizabethd said...

Mine are definitely artfully draped over the back of armchairs!

Linda said...

I have baskets of covers and I keep some draped on chairs and the back of the the foot of the guest bed....there’s always one handy and close by! I love baskets for storing things! I have lots of hanging baskets in the den and in the sewing room. One holds light bulbs, another holds raffia, one above my desk even holds my supply of checks! Of course I sometimes forget what is in which basket so I’m always discovering things!

Dianna said...

Now that is a great idea! Our blankets are usually on the floor, to be completely honest, or draped over a couch if I've just cleaned up. I like your basket idea much better; I'll be on the lookout for a good one!

Cheryl said...

Love your basket! I have a collection of throws/blankets in a basket too and it's used often. Most of the time, the blankets are returned to the basket. I am currently looking for a taller basket to use in my kitchen. If I find it, I'll share what I'm using it for. (Hint: Do you follow Megan Miller on Instagram?)

Luludou said...

I've been looking at ways to store my blankets… for now they are just folded at the end of the couch. My 1st visit here and liking it :)
Lucie from

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

'Artfully draped' ... or folded and laid on the sofa or chair, if artfully doesn't work out.

Lorrie said...

Love the basket. Mine are artfully draped, or folded and tucked onto the top shelf of the front hall closet.

podso said...

Looks pretty! We don't have that many throws as it's just us, but I could see the value of a collection basket especially if it's attractive like yours.

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