Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 23, 2019

Welcome Autumn!

Delicious Autumn!

Ah, Autumn! How I love you!  The nights are cool, the days are warm, but slowly getting cooler.  The trees have begun their yearly change to gold and scarlet and orange.  The sunlight is softer, too.

If you've been around my blog for any length of time, you know I adore autumn.  It's truly my favorite time of the year.   I thought I'd ...

Here is a list of things I love about Autumn

1. The trees changing colors.
2. The blue of the sky in Autumn, and giant white puffy clouds in it.
3. Pumpkins carved into pretty luminaries.
4. Wearing sweaters.
5. Using essential oils in the diffuser with Autumn scenst.
6. The scent of mulled cider.
7. Drinking mulled cider!
8. Pumpkin roll and pumpkin bread.
9. Colorful mums in the garden.
10. Flannel sheets!
11. Falling leaves.
12. Short days.
13. Feeling cozy in the house.
14. Lights in the windows.
15. Eating more soups and stews.
17. Fair Season
18. Hiking in the woods.
19. Taking a Fall foliage drive.
20. My birthday!

Read a message from the Queen of Autumn {here}.

Beautiful Good idea for an autumn shoot. It makes me want to grab my favorite book and let the little one run around outside

I need to get back to reading more.  I have a book I'm reading to review, too.  I wondered why I was putting off reading a regular book, and when I went to my annual eye exam, I found out that the cataract on my left eye now needs to be dealt with.  I've decided to wait until I get back from my week with Emma and family.  I had the right one done a few years ago and it was very easy.

I'm looking forward to watching these trees change color!  Aren't they lovely?  This photo is from three years ago!  How I love these trees!

For now I'll leave you with this quote - 

My birth time of year. I just wish winter didn't follow so closely behind.


Vee said...

A beautiful celebration of the first day of autumn!

Elizabethd said...

Definitely fuzzy socks!
Sadly we dont get the intensity of colour in the leaves that you seem to, but they are certainly beginning to change now.

podso said...

I think we love autumn down here so much because we are tired of the heat! But it's all the other things that you have listed too! I know Autumn is your favorite season, so enjoy as it unfolds over the coming days!

Kim said...

I am a summer person, but fall is definitely my 2nd favorite season. There is a lot to enjoy!

Lorrie said...

Happy first day of autumn! I love summer most, I think, but when autumn comes, it is also a beloved time of year.

Estelle's said...

What a sweet list of Autumn's a deliciouds season indeed! Great post today Deanna!

Cheryl said...

Our first day of autumn was hot and our internet/phone service was down all day. But fall is now officially here, so it has to be cooler soon, right?! Like you, I love fall!!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...