Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Home Decor: Bring In Autumn A Little Bit At A Time

I've changed my decorating style over the years.  In the past I used to use pretty fall leaf garlands above my kitchen cabinets, with lights, I'd put out a few scarecrows, and pumpkins.  Now I tend to do a more subdued look with ceramic pumpkins, real flowers, and a few pillows in the living room.

Outside I still use real pumpkins, and I'll be getting those soon.  I've learned not to do it too soon, or they'll rot before our annual Fall Fest in late October.  I also need to get some Mums, and lucky for us there are many local produce stands that sell pumpkins, mums and asters.  Such pretty colors for autumn.

How about you?  What does your autumn decor look like?


Phoebes World said...

I still have the leaf and sunflower garlands above the cabinets(minus lights)... but also have the pumpkins. flowers and cushions. I just love Fall colours
Phoebe x

Kim said...

I'm with you...less seems to be more lately and I put out exactly what you said, a few ceramic pumpkins, pillows and flowers. Just enough!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Your pillows are so pretty, Deanna. I love real pumpkins outside on the steps and a big one in the bird bath. Mums will sit on the steps and an Autumn wreath will hang on the front door. I use ceramic pumpkins to grace our home inside as well as some wee ones I may paint. That is about all the decorating I do. Christmas is when I go all out and that won't be long coming!

Vee said...

Oh I still enjoy warm autumn lights! I think mine finally died. I was mad at them, but then remembered how old they were. ☺ Love the pillows you've found.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I have mostly natural looking Fall accessories now. I want to buy a couple small pots of mums soon. It has been so hot, though. That is to end sometime this weekend. I usually buy the mum plants with the flowers that are mostly closed so they last longer. Love your decorating!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I have ceramic pumpkins, sprigs of grapes and grape vine garlands that I'll set out. Love to get the twinkle lights out now too.

I do love your autumn cushions and the idea of setting those about the place. I shall have to hunt for some, but I guess I'd better hurry if I want any this season.

Lorrie said...

I have a pot of mums on the front porch, but that's it. Tomorrow I hope to do a thorough cleaning and some rearranging. This school year has been all-consuming so far. Your autumn cushions are lovely

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