Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Christmas Treats

I don't do much baking anymore, but I think a Christmas Cookie party might be in the works.  What I do make is these simple salty sweet treats.

Mini pretzel twists, chocolate kiss.  Place in preheated oven at 250 degrees for about five minutes.  Remove and press into the kiss one M&M.  That's it.  I usually cool them in the fridge or, like yesterday when it was cold, on the deck for a bit to let the kiss harden up again.  

The peanut M&M's are favorites around here, as are the peanut butter cups.  It's only at Christmas time will you find me buying candy.

I will probably make cappuccino muffins as gifts, too. This is the recipe we use but our muffins are always brown with the cocoa powder not white like these!  Either way, they are delish and I don't even like coffee!

A friend and her two daughters came over last night to watch White Christmas with me, and we got to chatting about the baking they do every Christmas.  Their family does a lot of variety of cookies.  It got me thinking about the Russian Tea Cakes that my grandma used to make around Christmas time.  I have her recipe, and I might have to make them, if I can give half of them away!

What are treats that your family has every year?  

ps - I got an unkind comment on Monday about the election.  It wasn't really unkind about me, in the few I've had, the other ones were a lot more personally unkind.  However, I will say that those who are still believing that there has been no election fraud, that Bid*n is the president el*ct, etc are truly blinded.  I'm sad for them, that they can't see the truth, or maybe they just don't want to see truth.  

Pray on, friends!


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Peanut Butter Fudge is a family tradition. One of our sons, now makes it. And shares. -smile-

🎄 🎅 🎁 🎄

Vee said...

Baking would be great if I didn't eat it, but there's no fun in that! I have never heard about the chocolate kiss on the pretzel, but I have heard of Brenda's recipe with Rolos on the pretzels and an M&M. Perhaps your daughters would join you for a baking day. 😊

So many people believe they are well informed if they listen to the "alphabits." Sadly, they are woefully uninformed and thereby cannot understand what we are saying. Find lots of trusted sources...some you agree with and some you do not, if you wish to know all. Many blessings.

Sherry said...

russian tea cakes is a *must* in my little world. yUm. they're also a hUge temptation so this time after making a pallet size batch they were packaged and in the outside freezer far away from my greedy fingers. wink.

i love salty sweet treats. pretzles and kisses are wonderful.

as to the eL*ct*oN, i have found a great number of people are willingly blinded from the truth. very sad.

Sherry said...

propaganda = alphabits. yep.

Bonnie Schulte said...

I agree with your thoughts 100% concerning election fraud. And I continue to pray for America, President Trump, and our Freedom.

Theresa said...

Praying along with you! Everyone is entitled to their opinion but seems like more and more the comments aren't nice:( Enjoy your day dear friend, I will pull some of my favorite recipes to share! HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Kristin and her family have made those sweet-and-salty treats for years, but I have never made them. Now I am wondering why not, because they are delicious and easy.

Some years, we have baked a lot. Other years, not so much. But there are two things that we always take time for: Chex mix (my favorite) and decorated shortbread cookies. (And by "decorated" I mean sprinkles, not elaborately iced. That's why they are a go-to cookie. They are so simple.)

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I’ve made those pretzel treats with rolos and an m&m on top. I’m going to check out your cappuccino muffin recipe. I’m like you and don’t like coffee, but these sound intriguing.
P. S. I’m praying on!

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