Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 15, 2020



Several years ago our kids asked if we could draw names among the adults for gift giving.  With six kids, and now four spouses, and us, and my parents the list was getting long and expensive.  We said yes, though Tim and I still get gifts for everyone.  Gift cards for dinner out, a trip to a paid Christmas light experience, Disney + for a year, that kind of thing.

The problem is that gift cards aren't very fun to wrap! I had a few things to wrap yesterday and it made me happy, as I enjoy using pretty paper and ribbons, and creating gift tags.

Kyle got a brown paper wrapped with gorgeous plaid ribbon.  I used my thistle seal with red wax for a bit of a unique tag.

The grands got cute stocking paper and sweet ribbons, along with a personalized tag.

Sarah's is pretty plaid paper, with a lovely ribbon with lace on the edges.

When my kids were growing I often followed this guideline


One of Kyle's gifts for example is a want/need item and one is a wear item.  I may still try to get him a read item as well, but I don't feel locked into this guideline. We are book buyers throughout the year, and I'm not sure if he has a current list of books he wants right now.

My Tennessee grands are getting a cool I Spy Christmas book, and crafty kinds of things for their stockings. The grands here are getting games, and fun things in their stockings.

I buy things like gum, small packs of tissues, book marks, small lotions, candy, new toothbrushes, etc for stocking gifts.  I sometimes put knitted items in their stockings as well.

We often gift baked goods to neighbors and friends.  Cappuccino muffins, cookies, pretzel candy all make great gifts for neighbors and friends.  Most Americans have more than they need, so a small token to say Merry Christmas is usually well received. People love to know you were thinking of them.

Also, this year we are trying to buy from local small businesses.  They've been hit hard by our governors mandates, and so we are trying to support them as much as we can.

What kind of gifts to you like to give?  Any family traditions?  Let's talk about it in the comments!


Linda Stoll said...

I've always longed to create really pretty gift tags, but usually don't even think about it til I'm in a time crunch and up to my ears in gift wrap.

You've prompted me to maybe cultivate a new interest, one that will bring me satisfaction and bring a smile to the receiver.

Thanks, Deanna! So good to meet you in this season ...

Sherry said...

beautiful gift tags and i love the wax imprint. can you share where you found this set? that linen/lace ribbon is beautiful! this year i used grocery bags and tied them multiple times with string - they turned out really nice - i should have taken a picture.

***brown paper packages tied up with string***

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

It's a lovely gift giving guideline you have there, one that guides without locking into "must do". And I love your use of the wax stamp on your gift tags. Adds something special. Pretty!

Thelma said...

I have baked goods for gifts this year. We have to stay home to stay safe from the virus. So I've baked a lot
Thanks for sharing your name tags.
Merry Christmas.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Our family, of 3 children and mates and kids, used to buy presents for everyone. It became a tiresome chore. Plus, they had their own families to find/buy for. So I stopped it. -grin-

Just gifts for the Grandchildren. Who still got fun things to open. All this Family Gift Opening always happened at our house, on Christmas Day, before the Gathered Dinner, where ever that was being held, that year.

Even with my ("Mrs. Scrooge" new rules) everyone had a good time, at the opening.

Of course, this will not happen, this Christmas. Neither will my husband's Christmas Eve family dinner of his special Mac and Cheese. -sigh-

Originally it was his Fish Chowder on The 24th, but one grand developed a fish allergy, so he switched to Mac and Cheese.

And no gathering for Christmas Dinner this year. Our son/family next door, will share stuffing and a side, with us. And we will share my husband's Family Favorite Creamed Potatoes with them. Plus, their oldest son's girl friend will make desserts, which they will share, with my husband. Myself, can't eat Gluten, so I have to get/do something Gluten Free. -smile-

But we each, will be having our own dinner, at our own home.

Happy Week Before Christmas!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Most of our family lives away so it is very hard buying personal gifts. The boys and their spouses enjoy my fruit cake so that is what they have been getting the last number of years along with some other homemade goodies. They are quite happy to receive these. My middle son and his wife in particular insist on getting my dark fruit cake. This son has changed his diet completely the past six months and not eating any sweets but he still insists on having the fruit cake. :-) Next year will be different because they will be only two hours away and already we have made plans to spend Christmas together. We are sure looking forward to that! Thank you for sharing your tips and enjoy the rest of your week. Christmas hugs...Sandi

Margie said...

I've slowly reduced my gift exchanges with friends. Now that we're adults, I give Christmas gifts to their kids! I usually like to give books and pajamas.

Thanks for the visit!

Merri Mc Elderry said...

Your love of family is a gift in itself.. all wrapped in God and his love.. thank you for my gift.. Blessings all. Merri and Erick is stable now in the U of m hospital.. another gift.. with no boundaries of thanksgiving. xx

Linda said...

Your packages are lovely! I am not a good wrapper!
I haven't done well with gifts for my older grands over the years. They once said, "Why can't you give us something we really like??"
So I started giving them trash! Big containers of Texas Trash. They seemed to 'really like' that. Now I put $$ in the top of the container.
I've done better with the younger kids!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Your gifts look so special with their lovely wraps. I have four children, eight grands, three step-grands...lots of gifting. I love to bake, and make Christmas Jam every year. I’ve also made batches of microwave peanut brittle to give away. I do think people like homemade treats and it’s fun to give.

Cheryl said...

I love to wrap gifts and with a big family, it's a good thing I do! (I actually have a gift wrap post in my blog drafts, but time will tell whether I will have time to finish and post it.)

Your gifts look lovely! I like how you wrap with the recipient in mind. And the embossed wax seal is a beautiful and unique touch!

Theresa said...

There are gift cards on my "still to purchase" list. I don't really like giving gift cards or money but will be giving some this year. I am finishing my lists of gifts still left to buy, groceries to purchase for Christmas breakfast etc. What would I do without a list:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

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