Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 21, 2020



This photo was taken yesterday after church.  I love it.  

Saturday was a quiet day here, and in the afternoon Tim, Kyle, Sarah and I played Clue.  I like that game.

Later Rachel and Wes, and our friend Luisa came for dinner and our friend Denny dropped by, too!

Then Rachel mentioned going to see the Christmas lights, so we piled in the van, stopped to get donuts and coffee, and headed down to Nottingham.  

I know that for many this is going to be a tough holiday.  The usual traditions that we have built into this holiday won't happen.  Ours are very different this year.  However, we are going to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world! So we will give gifts (we've never been extravagant gift givers) remembering the greatest gift given to us - Jesus!

This week I'll do some baking, and then we'll give food gifts to friends and neighbors.



Beside a babbling brook... said...

Lovely photo..........

Wishing you a Happy and Safe Christmas...

🎄 🎅 🎁 ⛄ 🎄

Lorrie said...

Merry Christmas, Deanna. It will be a different Christmas, but we will still celebrate the birth of Christ.

Vee said...

That is a great picture of the three youngest. I am grinning to see Kyle's beard. Sam is not there yet, but he will be soon because he refuses to shave.

A blessed week to you and yours wherever they may be. 🕊

Linda said...

Love you and your precious family!
Your plans sound so true to the Christmas spirit.....

Sherry said...

what a beautiful picture of three precious souls.
gentle hugs coming your way across the miles.

Merri Mc Elderry said...

You exude the beauty of Family... loving, kind, sweet, gentle , happy, radiant and God -filled ... Blessings to you all and joining in the RADIANCE of our Savior's birth. Lots of Love, Merri

Margie said...

I love Clue and had the board game from the late 1980s--it looks different from your board.

In previous years, we'd go to church on Christmas Eve and the children's nativity would always end with the kids singing "Happy Birthday, Jesus".

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