Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

There's A Big Storm Headed Our Way




This will be the biggest storm we've had in several years.  Tim is likely going to have to reschedule a few things, but I'm all set for food etc, and we are always well prepared for a power outage if that happens.

We are praying for dear friends of ours who are planning to fly out of Dulles tomorrow headed to England to have Christmas with their son and his family.  It looks like DC isn't going to be as impacted as the Northeast, so hopefully they won't be delayed or at least not too long!  They'll have to quarantine at their sons home for two weeks, or they might be able to get c*vid tests and if negative they will be able to go out from the house much sooner.  I'm excited for them!

I'm working on plans for Tim's birthday, which is Christmas Eve.  The thing we usually do, is not possible this year, so I'm working on ideas that will work in our current restrictions.

If you're in the path of the storm, know that I'm praying for you!


Vee said...

Enjoy the storm! 🫖❄️🫖 I know that you're excited about it.

I, on the other hand, am so disappointed as my plans to meet my friend are ruined. Oh well...perhaps I will bake.

Jan said...

Sounds like you are ready and well prepared! Hope your friends plans won't be delayed.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

We are expecting snow, also!!!!! And being a "Daughter of The North," I am happy. -smile-

Not that I like going out in it. I just love to see it. And have it on the ground. It's time!!!!

Stay warm and cozy.

Ahhhh a Christmas Eve Birthday! Have only heard of one, in Blog Land, before.

Hope your friends get in the air, promptly. And have a lovely time, with their son and his family.


Buttercup said...

Not a fan of snow, but it is pretty. We're going to have at least a foot and my prayers are going out for all those who need to work.

Theresa said...

Stay safe my friend! I pray that the trip doesn't get delayed or canceled for your friends to visit their family! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...