Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 14, 2020



I knew the girls would be out of quarantine this weekend, and would go to church with us and spend Sunday afternoon at our house, so I picked up this darling foam gingerbread house kit for $3 at Tar-jay.

It was easy and fun to put together, they didn't need much help, in fact I think they could have done it without me, but I'd have missed out on the fun!  I basically put the walls together, and put the front windows in, and then Kam put the roof on and they did the rest!

So Fun!

I think this week is going get very interesting.  I think we are going to begin to see how deep the swamp is and how corrupt our systems really have become.  I'm praying and I know you are, too!


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Awwwwww, what a lovely and fun tradition!!!!!!

So happy they are out of quarantine!

I think I am going to avoid 'everything', outside my own family circle, for a while. I rile myself up so, when I follow 'everything.' -sigh- And at my age, I can't really keep allowing myself, to get riled up. -sigh-

Gentle hugs,
🎄 🔥 🎄

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

It looks like the girls had a great time. A cute gingerbread house.

Vee said...

Yes, a challenging week ahead for those of us who already are informed. Unlikely those who NEED to know will have a clue.

What a great project! It came out so nicely and no sticky fingers. The grandgirlies are adorable. Looks as if they very much enjoyed themselves.

Merri Mc Elderry said...

That is just adorable.... I am going to look for one for my son who is in the U of m hosptial with a liver transplant.. he loves doing gingerbread houses.. this one he can do in the hospital.. what darlings you have there. God Bless you all , Love Merri

Cheryl said...

That is the cutest gingerbread house, and no fuss! Glad the girls are out of quarantine now and can enjoy some time with their grandparents. Looks like a lovely day for all!

Linda said...

I need to buy one of those Gingerbread houses!! That's the only kind I would be able to make! The 'real' ones are HARD!!
Yes....I go to bed with a prayer and I pray the moment I wake up.....and all through the day.

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