Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 28, 2020


 I hope you all had a delightful Christmas, however it was spent.  I know things were likely very different for many of you.  We only saw immediate family who have been around us all year, but we were thankful for having a few days that felt nearly 'normal.'

I received several gifts from Rachel who drew my name this year.  An essential oil shelf, which Tim hung in my bathroom, and this darling tartan stool!  I also received a new ipad cover, a phone case, and 2 boxes of the outdoor lights that I use in the garden!

We ate good food, too much dessert and chocolates, we laughed, we watched  The Chosen Christmas show The Shepard.  The Chosen is an amazing series.  Have any of you seen it?  We use VidAngel to filter movies, and that is where we watch the series.  Sarah watches it at school on the The Chosen app on her phone. She says it comes up as VidAngel when its loading.  You can also find them on YouT*be.

With the New Year comes Lindsay's birthday and our anniversary on the 2nd.  Emma and Vinnie have an anniversary tomorrow.  They have lots of birthdays and anniversaries in his family around this time of year too, and he has a sister getting married early in January.

Lots of celebrating.

Tim and I were talking about this year, and we both think that while it has had its challenges and been hard in many ways, it has also been a year of many things that have been hidden in darkness being revealed, and people coming awake.  God has been on the move (as he always is) in this year, and he will never stop. He is not willing that any should perish, which is why he sent his son Jesus. He gave his son to bear the punishment for sin, he gave him freely so we might have eternal life.

We don't have any plans yet for New Year's Eve. Maybe we'll watch movies, or play games. Do you have plans to ring in the New Year? 


Linda Stoll said...

'God has been on the move (as he always is) in this year, and he will never stop.'

Yes and amen. That truth has been our comfort and joy this year ... and will be in the uncertain days ahead. Bless you, Deanna!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Congratulations, on the Anniversaries and Birthday...

Here, New Year's Eve is simple. We used to have a bottle of Champagne, when we could drink. But due to health issues, we can't. So it will be Sparkling Juice or Ginger Ale. -smile-

With chips and dip and grapes and etc.

The Thin Man movies are on all day, but not at night, and I am disappointed in that. Do love those movies, on New Year's Eve. So maybe we'll watch a Judi Dench film, which we own.

Always... very simple... -smile-


Kim said...

We are trying to plan a zoom game with some neighbors online. Not sure how it'll work out, but we're going to give it our best shot! Happy New Year to you!

Vee said...

What a beautiful, traditional table! There's something about red plaid says one whose table is sporting red plaid right now.

Yes, we have learned a lot this year. Or, at least, those who were willing to learn a lot did. Some, alas, are more comfortable in ignorance.

Estelle's said...

Your Christmas looks and sounds very festive and warm Deanna. So glad you all enjoyed celebrating this beautiful season! Happy New Year!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...