Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 7, 2020



I decorated my bedroom on Friday.  I have garland lights and ribbon on my secretary and here on my dry sink.  Tim made an insert for my dry sink so that it is nearly even with the edges and I can use it for display rather than everything being down in the 'sink.'

I love to use this space.  You can find the link to my flameless candles {here}.  They have a remote and can be set on a timer.  They really are great and add wonderful ambiance in my rooms!

I also added a bow to my kitchen door wreath and will attempt a decent photo today.  We had a sunny weekend and I couldn't get a good photo of it.  Today is grey, so I think I can get a good shot of it.

I hope your weekend was good.  Kay is out of quarantine but Nate and the kids have a few more days.  She never had any other symptoms than lack of taste and smell.

I'm continuing to read and pray regarding the election.  There is so much evidence of voter fraud! Wow! The videos, sworn testimonies, examinations of machines.  Did you see they found an old school bus in AZ, with blackout windows, that had been abandoned?  It had NV plates.  When they opened it up, they found voting machines inside.  What?!

So much is being revealed and there is more to come, I think.  Keep praying for our nation.  We need the truth, but I think that the truth will be hard to swallow.  Painful, even. If you want to find information on some of these things, try using a search engine like Duck, Duck Go or Ecosia.  They are not censored like g**gle.

Have you ever wondered why there is so much censorship?  Why can't adults access tweets or videos about c*v1d or the El*ct1on, or even talk about them online without doing this?

Its time for us all to think critically, and not keep believing the narrative that the legacy media tells.  They are protecting themselves and others from their deeds becoming known.  Ever wonder why they hate the president so much?

Our world has been groaning and in pain since the Garden.  I'm thankful for the reminder of the gift God gave to us that we celebrate at this time of year.   


Beside a babbling brook... said...

I love your decorations!!!!!!! And I love those candles!!!! The problem here is, that my husband's eyesight is bad. And the "dancing flames" would drive him to distraction. Even though, that is what real candles do.

Our mantle really needs some light in the middle. Perhaps I can find some, which don't "dance." -smile-

I fear there is no way, that the Liberals are going to allow, the White House to be denied to them, this time.

Linda said...

I love the way you decorate! Looks like your home is Glowing!
Yes, we must continue in steadfast prayer for our country! Deliver us from our enemies and I pray God will!

Vee said...

Lots of folks have called these incidents "shenanigans." Way too cute a name for pure evil. May God have mercy on this country and not allow this steal to continue. What an outrage that would be. And isn't it quite interesting to note how far back and how many elections this involves? The country is not swinging blue after all. It's all a lie. So we know JFK stole his election and I can think of quite a few after who likely did as well. Yes, we will be sickened to learn all who are involved from both parties.

A gal who decorates her bedroom for Christmas is a true keeper of Christmas. 🎄

Sherry said...

oh deanna - your decor is sooo warm and welcoming. love it. thank you for the link to buy the candles - thinking i'll do that later in the month and enjoy a new decor style for january using those pretties. wonderful news about your daughter in love. praying for the others. and yes, this world is groaning .. loudly. come Lord Jesus!

Bonnie Schulte said...

I am worried what our country will turn into with this elect*on. I pray for President Trump, and for America's freedom for all of us. Will socialism turn us into a 3rd world country? I know God is on Trump's side and ours also. God is watching.

Theresa said...

Oh the lights make me happy! Yours are beautiful, mine are glowing now while I am drinking my coffee. I am praying for our Nation and the President, it is sad what is happening. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...