Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Five


Here is a reel I made on IG this week.

Our snow was lovely, and we got about 6 inches.  Its cold enough that the snow has not melted but the roads are clear and that is the way I like to enjoy the snow.

Here are some photos I took yesterday.

1. Snow on the kitchen door wreath.

2. Watson checking out the snow.

3. A view of our neighborhood

4.  Both of my sons clearing the driveway.  I call them my bookends.  They are 16 years apart.  

5. The barn in the snow

Thank you for your kind prayers and thoughts for our friends.  The airline cancelled their flight from Dulles well ahead of time and rescheduled them out of Chicago.  They arrived at the same time their original flight was to arrive!  They are so happy to be with family for Christmas!

We have a week to go.  Sarah comes home today. This week will go by quickly, but it's going to be fun!

Are you ready for Christmas?  I have Tim's birthday on the 24th to prepare for, too.  Then we have a daughter's birthday and our anniversary the next week!

It's a fun time of year for us!  Have a wonderful weekend!


Lorrie said...

Fresh snow is so pretty! Enjoy!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Lovely snow! We had snow yesterday. It's cold today, but sunny with pale blue skies. Like your photos -- glimpses of Christmas about the place. Love your kitty pic. Nice to see your fellows working together. Happy weekend! One week to go.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Greetings from the North Pole,
⛄ 🎄 🎅 🎁 ⛄

Kim said...

Lots of snow here, too. Makes for a pretty Christmas season for sure.

Linda said...

I love seeing what YOU see!

Linda Stoll said...


Vee said...

Our worlds are looking very similar. Laurel was here overnight so she helped me to achieve a lot. Some wrapping to do. Some baking to do, a wee bit of shopping to do. I'm already exhausted. ☺️

Theresa said...

The snow is beautiful! I know you are looking forward to having Sarah home and Happy B'day celebrations this week for my Grandson Austin too. It is hard to have so much going on, but we must celebrate! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Sherry said...

a glimpse of your lovely world.. beautiful.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Love your video, Deanna. You captured the beauty of winter so well in your photos. Very homey and comforting. Enjoy your family at this very special time of celebrating Jesus' birth. Hugs, Nancy

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