Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Around The House


I love creating beauty in my home, it makes me happy.

This lamp with this mirror, especially in the evenings, is especially lovely to me.

A hyacinth from Aldi brings beauty and scent to our kitchen, and is a sign of spring to come.

However, no house is perfect nor are my photos. In the bedroom, there is an extra pillow tucked along the wall next to the bed. In the living room, with the beautiful lamp and mirror, is dust and a plant that's too big for the cool basket it's in. And behind the hyacinth are jackets on the backs of chairs.

Real life in a real house that is lived in by real people.

I hope you are encouraged to live a beautifully real life! Have a great Wednesday everyone!


Mrs.T said...

Lovely post, Deanna! Thanks for sharing. Our lives are "beautifully real" as well!

Linda said...

I love real homes!! Not department store set ups! If there is one thing in life I desire to be - it is to be real and live a real life!!

Linda said...

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing, smiles.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Sometimes I have to move from my bed to the sofa if I am coughing a lot. Which happens certain times of the year. Right now, I have an extra pillow tucked in between the sofa and one of the large bookshelves that can be seen. At least I usually have time to hide it in my bedroom closet if someone is coming! People do live here and fortunately, those who come over are people who would understand.

Vee said...

I didn't notice any of those "imperfections" until you mentioned them. There is a beauty to family life, too.

Cheryl said...

So fun that you pointed out the "reality" in every beauty shot . . . and I had to go back and see what you were talking about in each one because I had not notice the first time through! I kind of think that's how it is. People don't notice all of the things that we notice, and even when they do, they don't really care.

Ruth said...

I'm not good with words, but second everything everyone else has posted. I read / check your blog every day, your posts bring calm and peaceful feelings. Thank you very much.

Mrs.T said...

I had to go back and look at them for the same reason. I loved this post!

Heather said...

I LOVE this post! I was so worried when you and Cheryl were coming to tea because your houses are so beautiful and mine is so mismatched and hodgepodge! But, then I reminded myself that you were coming for fellowship and not to critique my home! 😂

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