Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Some Thoughts As I Watch The Snow Fall


It started snowing on Sunday, and for the most part it has continued to snow, with some sleet at times.  It's supposed to end soon.  It's a winter wonderland outside!

I've been thinking about a lot of things but this is one that has been in the for front of my mind. There are lots of pressures on our young people these days.  Many young people I know are hard working and as they begin to marry and have families, financial pressures are on them. One young couple I know that farm, lost their barn to fire last week. One young family with small kids, is struggling with finances.  Since Covid lockdowns hit, the husband has been mostly out of work.  Lots of stress and pressure.  

Let's all do what we can to walk along side these young couples. Let's physically help them, as well as financially help them when they have a need. Pray for the young people in your communities and see how God would have you be a help to them.  

Sometimes helping requires sacrifice in some way, and we should be willing, if God is leading, to do without some comfort or convenience in order to help a young couple see God at work in their lives.

For we surely can be the hands and feet of Jesus. Of course it may not just be young people, though they've been on my mind. It might be an elderly neighbor, or someone at your church, or at work.  Let's ask God how we can be a blessing to others.


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I am watching the snow too but for a different reason today. We are having a snow storm and Hubby had to go to work. This is life on PEI in the wintertime! I am praying that he will be able to get home before the snow and wind make it too hard to see to drive home.
I too feel for the younger folks who do indeed deal with so many pressures these days. I like to help too when I can. I remember what it was like as a young wife and mom trying to make ends meet. One never forgets those days, so it is a blessing when we are able to share and help when we can.
Enjoy your winter wonderland and stay safe! Blessings...Sandi

Jan said...

Amen! said...

Yes, I agree completely! Since my husband started out as a Christian school teacher when we were first married 43 years ago (he has now since switched over to an assistant Pastor) there were many, many lean years. But God provided through His people with them sharing/giving to us. One lady's last name was "Jackson" and she would randomly give our son a $20.00 bill (get it?)!!
We continue to encourage the young people, even making friends with them (as you do too)! Some of them are surprised that we do that! Providing financially for them and even teaching them skills whenever possible.

Cheryl said...

I appreciate these thoughts today. You have me mulling over ways to "be the feet and hands of Jesus." Another IG gal used that exact phrase today as she encouraged women to extend love through hospitality or even through food from afar (as in a Dash or Grub Hub gift card), so that people in a hard place will feel loved and seen. Surely, many people are in a hard place right now, and these tangible things can go a long way in extending God's love. Thank you for the nudge.

Information Friday

  Two things that will change - 1. Move the grill, and 2. Find a spot for my lamppost. The firewood holder and the fire ring need a new spot...