Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 19, 2021

Snowy Pattern And Some Thoughts

 We are in quite the snowy pattern.  Our normal winters are not this snowy, and while we haven't had huge accumulations, getting anywhere from 2-6ish inches every week is a lot for our area.

Tim was away at a training seminar all day yesterday, but this guy took care of the driveway.

Remember how I said, just a few days ago that spring was on the way?  It really is.  Next week we're going to have temps in the 40's and on Wednesday its going to be nearly 50 degrees! That's how I know for sure that the season is turning. We'll have more snow still, at least that's what my weather app says, and some cold days, too. However winters' days are waning.  I'm ready, are you?

On another note - have you heard about Pastor James Coates of Alberta Canada?  He's been arrested for holding church services.  There is an article {here}that tells about the church and their decision to meet, and {here}is an article about his arrest.  Please pray.

We have to decide just how much our governments can demand of us.  If we take precautions and quarantine the vulnerable, the majority of people should be allowed to go about their normal daily lives.

If the Super Bowl can have people attend, and protests can have thousands, why can't churches meet?  The church involved in this had no cov*d deaths of their congregation, but they have had a member die because they couldn't get their cancer treatments due to cov*d regulations.

People everywhere should be concerned. Today it is covid, tomorrow what will it be? Many countries have been very totalitarian with their lockdowns.  At one point in Australia you were not allowed to go out to exercise or even to walk your dog. In Germany, they can forcibly remove you from your own home if you have cov*d.  

It's all madness, and where does it end?  


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Snow here too! But actually, here we used to have more snow, than of late. So this is a return, to normal, for us. And I personally love it. Normal is lovely.

But I can see, how people who don't even remember more snow, are upset!!!!!!!!

But for me, I try to enjoy, whatever season is here. So I am not ticking off the days, till spring. -smile- Really! I'm just different, I guess. -grinnnn-

Yes, we all need to be constantly aware, of how our Freedoms, are being chipped away. Well, more than just _chipped_ away.

🌹 🌸 🌺 🌼 🌷

Bonnie Schulte said...


HopefulOne said...

Hello from sunny Arizona! It’s in the mid seventies these days. Very comfortable weather. But I’m jealous of the snow. It’s so beautiful! But our days are coming. Last summer we had over 50 consecutive days of 110+ degree weather. As always, it is a pleasure to read your blog! Thanks so much!! God bless!!

Theresa said...

Oh the snow is SO pretty. We have a rain and a lot of it. The weather was perfect yesterday, almost Spring-like. Raining again this morning. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

I was here...the screen words are gone poof. 😏 That's okay...not important words.


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