Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday Five (Links)


Hi Friends! For today's five I thought I'd share some links to things that interest me.


By far my favorite English Roses. Thankfully I have a local nursery that stocks David Austin roses.

2. Essential Oils - I diffuse them daily, use them in my skin care routine, use them for sleep support.

I'm also trying out a cbd muscle rub, Tim uses supplements from them, and I've bought a few calming oils to use when the grands are here!  I use Young Living, and if you are interested in trying something contact me, and I'll help you get started.

3. George News -  

This is a news website that I find interesting. I follow them on Telegram, and they have a YT channel as well, where they host live chats for followers and share other interesting videos. (a lot of them are military videos, such as the B2 bomber flying, or planes refueling in air.)

4. Old World Design Society - Angela Reed of Parisienne Farmgirl blog has launched a seasonal society that includes a magazine (only digital issues are available now), a private FB group, and a few other perks.  I joined and let me tell you, that I am really enjoying it. The FB group is amazing for inspiration from other society members as well as Angela, the magazine is really nice, too. Old World design is not just one style, but it is beautiful and being a fan of English Country style, it is right up my alley.  Angela also hosts a podcast with Shaye Elliot of the Elliot Homestead, and they also both have YT channels with beautiful videos.

5. The Daily Connoisseur - Jennifer Scott has delightful videos for living, caring for your home, wardrobe ideas, meal planning. She has monthly videos talking of an artist or author, interesting things to keep us learning. 

I am headed out with Tim to meet his brother, sister in law, and niece for breakfast. They are home from Africa for some meetings, and we have to take advantage of the opportunities to see each other when we can.

I hope you enjoy the links, and let me know of others than you may follow that would be of similar interests, etc.  I love learning new things!


Vee said...

Oh I like all the folk you have mentioned here. I am intrigued by Intermittent Fasting as described by Jennifer Scott. I find it fascinating that her body reset took her all the way down to high school weight.

I watch many Vlogs...from decorating to make-up to cleaning to cooking.

Linda said...

So many good products here today!

Kim said...

Those roses are outstanding. What a color!


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