Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 1, 2021



I'll get to our weekend, but first I want to say "Happy Anniversary!" to our daughter Lindsay and her husband Joseph. They've been married seven years today!

If you are interested in a wedding post it's {here}. 

We had a very nice weekend, starting with breakfast with my inlaws on Friday. Saturday I did some cooking for Sunday lunch with a couple from church. Sunday was church and lunch with new friends, and old ones.  

I made a ham for lunch on Sunday, and had made potato salad on Saturday, which required potato peeling, chopping, and cooking, cooking bacon, making hard boiled eggs.  Lots of steps but so delicious. I make it how my mom made it and it's my favorite. We also served baked beans, and gasp! store bought pies. Apple, chocolate cream, and our friend Denny brought a cheesecake.

Around our table we had Tim, Kyle, and I, Kamryn and Klaire, Wes and Rachel, our friend Denny, and our new friends Chris and Margaret!  We had a really good meal and conversation.  I love getting to know people. They were high school sweethearts, and we found out they were born the year Tim and I married! {grin} 

I really love that our church is made up of all ages, older, middle age, young adults, teens, and lots of kids.

I'm excited that March has arrived! It's meteorological spring! And we turn the clocks forward on the 14th! 

Did you have a good weekend? 


Vee said...

We do?! The 14th? Oh joy unspeakable. (I really didn't know.)

Your darling girl was such a beautiful bride. Happy Anniversary with many of God's richest blessings to them both!

Sounds like a great weekend. 🌷🍰🌷

Cheryl said...

That sounds like your kind of weekend . . . the kind that fills your tank! I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! Haha . . . isn't it funny how "young" people are becoming?

Happy anniversary to Lindsay and Joseph! Can't believe it's been seven years.

And, yes, I am ready for spring. I am not a winter-hater, but my gracious it's been a cold, wet one this year. I am ready for some sun!

Theresa said...

Beautiful couple, happy Anniversary!! Your meal sounds delicious. Enjoy your evening dear friend. Hugs


  This weekend was fun. I went to tea with co-op friends, at one of their houses. It was open to all moms. It was a wonderful time of fellow...